Saturday, September 24, 2016

Celebrity babies don t hide them parents

Hollywood is full of paparazzi that want to get that perfect picture of a celebrity, so they can sell it to the media and make a lot of money. They will go to almost any length to achieve their goal. Most of the time celebrities are trying to stop the paparazzi from taking their picture, and they get mad when they are followed. Not only do the paparazzi want pictures of celebrities, but they also want pictures of their babies. I can understand, though, a celebrity wanting to have a private life, and not be bothered all of the time. However they are celebrities, so they should expect a certain amount of intrusion on their private lives. The worst thing a celebrity can do is to try to keep the paparazzi away from seeing their babies. The reason I believe it is not a good idea for celebrities to keep the paparazzi away from their babies is it just prolongs the amount of time you have to work to keep them away. If a celebrity would just set up a picture shoot for some of the paparazzi to take pictures of their baby, then it would be over with. Also this assures that the picture of your baby is flattering, and you can be proud of that picture for the rest of your child’s life. However some celebrities take great pains to keep the paparazzi away from their babies, by keeping them covered up, staying at home, or only going places where the security is too tight for the paparazzi to get a glimpse of their baby. The biggest problem with this is that it is a burden on the parents as well as their baby. Why run around secretly for months, when you can just spend one afternoon with a group of paparazzi and be done with it? Your baby is already going to have a different life, because they are a celebrities’ baby, but you could make it easier on them if you would just get the whole picture thing out of the way early on.

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