Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why is it necessary to keep track of your article back links

You heard writing articles is a great way to drive traffic to your site. So you have written several articles and posted them to dozens of article sites. Then you sit back and wait for the avalanche of traffic. And wait. Nothing is happening. What’s the deal? The deal is depending on where your article gets republished your links may not be “live”. Writing articles and posting them is a great way to drive traffic to your site. Search engines love it and if done correctly it will help drive new visitors to your site and get you listed higher in the search engines. The problem comes when article writers and authors and publishers don’t all follow the same rules. The main problems are: 1. Original article not formatted correctly 2. Article copied and pasted into new webpage without links 3. New publisher doesn’t make links live Let us start with #1 “Original article not formatted correctly”. Not all article sites are the same. On some sites you can simply put in plain text and it will format it correctly, paragraphs will be correct and it will recognize yoursite as a live link. Some sites you may need to format it all in html. Sometimes the easiest way to do that is type your article in a web design program such as “Dreamweaver” and then view the source and copy and paste the code. If you don’t have access to such a program then you should learn a few basic html tags: View the source of this page to see the html tags. This is a “break” tag, The break tag is used when you want to end a line, but don't want to start a new paragraph. The break tag forces a line break wherever you place it, a very common tag and one that is recognized by most all article sites. Bold anything you want in bold should go between these tags italic anything you want in italic should go between these tags yoursite--some sites will recognize this as a live link. Many will not! This is where you are going to lose your links! If your article is copied and pasted into another web page or ezine your link will not be clickable. Someone who really wants to go to your webpage can copy and paste it into their browser but it is alot easier if someone can just click on it! If it is not a clickable live link search engines will not follow it not matter how many times it is republished. Imangine your article being reprinted 1000 times, a potential of 1000 back links to your site but without it being a clickable link you won’t reap the benefits of those 1000 links. Your links to your sites should always be formatted this way: YourWebSite If you follow the correct html formating for links your website links will always be clickable. To learn more about html tags search google for "html tags" 2. Article copied and pasted into new webpage without links. Your article may be correctly formatted on the article site you posted to but when it is copied and pasted into a new webpage or ezine it may lose some of its formatting. Some of the better sites have a choice of “ezine ready”, this will display your article in the correct html formatting which makes it easier to copy and paste. 3. New publisher doesn’t make links live. All article sites have a policy that clearly states “you are free to republish the article as long as the links and author bio stays with the article” Some don’t realize your links are no longer live or don’t know to make them live. Others leave them off all together or don’t make them live on purpose. Not much you can do except write to the website owner and request they make them live. Some will comply, some won’t. Chalk it up to the cost of doing business. For every site that doesn’t make your links live, 10 will. Keep publishing! Writing articles and posting them across the internet is still a great way to drive traffic to your site. Content is king and website owners, and ezine publishers are hungry for fresh new original content. Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to guides on publishing, self-publishing, e-book publishing, article writing and related information, do please browse for more information at our websites. infozabout publishing. infozabout

How to get directories to submit your site with this 5 steps guide

: How to get directories to submit your site - with this 5 steps guide ! Getting directories to list your site is easy ! Here are some steps which you can take to find directories: 1. Check out your competitions back links. Your competition is sure to have got links from some directories. Try to get into those first. 2. Do a search in Google (the most obvious one!) using keywords like 'submit+site+directory’. You will come up with many directories for your site. And you can use your imagination to come up with new combination of keywords for searching in Google. 3. Do a search in Google with "allintitle:webdirectory". I did a search with these keywords and came up with some good directories. Or you can use "allinurl:webdirectory" also. The command "allintitle:webdirectory" shows those sites which have "webdirectory" word in the site title. Similarly the command "allinurl:webdirectory" shows those sites which have "web-directory" in the site url. You can change "webdirectory" to "internetdirectory" or any other keyword of your choice. 4. Visit various Search Engine related forums. In almost every such forum you will find some threads discussing directory sub-missions. Follow such threads – dig deeper if needed! You will be aptly rewarded with lists of many directories posted by members of these forums. 5. Visit some good directories like dmoz. org, dir. yahoo, joeant, goguides. org and search for the ‘directories’ category. These prominent directories provides lists of other good directories on the net. Follow these simple 5 steps to get directories on your left, right, everywhere and set your promotion campaign rolling ! Some useful resources: hedir/groupthink/about29.html forums. digitalpoint/forumdisplay. php? f=25 Have fun hunting for directories!

Whatæs up with xbox 360

What's Up With Xbox 360? A Guide of What's Available for Microsoft's XBox 360 System The XBox 360 System. The new Xbox 360 console ($399.99) brings Microsoft technology to the gaming industry like never before. This new toy sports new Internet connections to social communities and puts the gamer in ultimate control with goo-gobs of fun accessories. This article describes some of those accessories and the games available that (almost) everyone can enjoy. XBox 360 Accessories. For such a powerful system, it should be no surprise that this system takes full advantage of accessorizing. We can start by saving games on the $19.99 512MB memory unit or with the $29.99 64MB memory unit. To keep the power going, we can look at the $29.99 Quick Charge Kit or the smaller $19.99 Play & Charge Kit. On the go, you can carry and use the $11.99 Rechargeable Batter Pack while re-powering you controller with the $29.99 charge Station. Increase connectivity with the $99.99 Wireless Network Adapter and keep your system "kewl" with the $19.99 Intercooler. But that's enough about maintenance. Let's look at the fun. Get a $39.99 Wired controller or $49.99 Wireless Controller to play your games. Unless you want feel like getting behind the wheel. In that case, you can try on the $149.99 Wireless Racing Wheel for size. Want a little multimedia action? Get a $199.99 HD-DVD player (don't forget the $19.99 remote) - a $39.99 Live Vision Camera or a $59.99 Wireless Headset (wired headset available for $19.99). Then jam your way onto the $89.99 Guitar Hero II. Of course if you want to get down with your PC, check out Xbox's $19.99 Wireless Gaming Receiver and user your Xbox 360 controller on the computer! XBox 360 Games. Looking for games? We've separated this part of our guide into two sections: one for children and one for adults. Use caution when purchasing XBox 360 games for players under 18 years of age. FOR CHILDREN: Xbox's UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 $59.99 Xbox's Viva Pinata $29.99 Xbox's Fuzion Frenzy 2 $29.99 Meet the Robinsons $49.99 (by Disney Interactive Studios) Xbox's Star Trek Legacy $39.99 Konami's Dance Dance Revolution Universe $49.99 COMING SOON: Forza MotorSport 2 FOR ADULTS: Xbox's Halo 2 $29.99 (rated 10 by GameInformer) Xbox's Gears of War $59.99 (rated 9.5 by GameInformer) Xbox's Crackdown $59.99 (rated 8.5 by GameInformer) Capcom's Lost Planet: Extreme Condition $59.99 Bethesda Softworks' Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion $59.99 Xbox's Rainbow Six: Vegas $59.99 (rated 9.5 by GameInformer) D3 Publishers' Earth Defense Force 2017 $39.99 Activision's Cabela's African Safari $29.99 Activision's Marvel: Ultimate Alliance $59.99 (rated 9.25 by GameInformer) Activision's History Channel: Civil War $39.99 Ubisoft's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 $59.99 (rated 8.75 by GameInformer) Sega's Armored Core 4 $59.99 NOTE: A lot of Xbox 360 games exhibit the RP warning. Please remember to follow the guidelines set by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) when buying games for children under the age of 18. Here's a handy reference to what the ratings mean: C = Appropriate for Early childhood E = Appropriate for Everyone E 10+ = Appropriate for Everyone aged 10 and older T = Appropriate for Teens M = Appropriate for Mature Adults RP = Rating Pending (NOT appropriate for children) The following games sport ESRB's RP rating: Mass Effect Shadowrun Blue Dragon Tenchu Z The Drakness Bioshock Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Hour of Victory Word count 567

Internet marketing 10 ways to tell if you are a guru

Over the last few months there has been an incredible number of new “guru’s” appear in the world of internet marketing. Amazingly this has coincided with a whole host of very poorly though out products that offer very little or no value to purchaser. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide. It could be that you are already an internet marketing Guru and you don’t even know it yet. Just to help you out here is a list of 10 things that will help you work out if you are in fact an Internet Marketing “Guru” 10. Every family event, Birth, Wedding, Christening or Funeral is seen as a potential source of sales and the Ideal opportunity for an impromptu Seminar. 9. You approach the local paperboy and offer him 50% of sales to your new product in return for use of his “list” 8. You start to use words and expressions like “skyrocket” and “Explode your Income” in day to day conversations 7. You write your wife a note to tell her you’ve taken the dog for a walk and it stretches to 8 pages 6. You phone your local Wal-Mart and ask If you can get your shopping “even if it’s 2am” 5. You and your friends’ idea of fun is seeing who can get a poorly written book to no1. in Amazon 4. You get embarrassed in the showers when you find your friend has a bigger list than you. 3. You decide to sell your car but won’t tell anyone the price until they are in the bank and ready to pay 2. You take your youngest kid to a new school and then try to up sell to your oldest kid and tell the headmaster that he will never see this offer again 1. You can’t see the irony in the last 9 reasons What do you do If any of the above apply to you? If you recognise that more than 1 of the 10 are applicable then I am afraid you are probably beyond saving.

Bartending school is just the beginning

While you may be thinking about attending bartending school, keep in mind that a bartending career is not all fun and games. Bartenders work hard, and are often paid minimum wage. Working at a top club will, of course, up your take-home pay in the form of tips (sometimes as much as thousands per night), but you'll have to do your time and gain experience at smaller clubs and bars first. Initially, you’ll also work the less crowded shifts. Some bars and clubs even require new bartenders to work as barbacks first – this means you’ll be schlepping beer and liquor from the storage room to the bar, washing glasses and cleaning up. Not nearly as glamorous as you might have dreamed. As a barback, you’ll earn a portion of the bartender’s tips for the night. The hours are often long, you're on your feet the whole time and might have to deal with a lot of rude customers. Aside from that, once you’ve moved up in the ranks and have the popular, crowded shifts – those that you make the most money with – you’ll never have Friday or Saturday nights free. You’ll be working. If you still are thinking about attending bartending school, make sure you pick a reputable organization. You can also attend bartending school online. Many bartending schools offer job placement assistance one you finish your courses – if you don’t have a job lined up already, you’ll want help finding one. The best bartenders have an outgoing personality, are patient and tolerant of customers who may have had one too many and are able to multitask and work under pressure. Remember, you’ll be on a virtual stage once behind the bar, with a lot of eyes watching you! Once you’ve completed bartending school and started your first job, know that you will make mistakes. It’s your ability to recover from them with grace and humor that will keep you going.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why does every company need a crm customer relationship management

First, let’s define what a CRM is: The term Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a system that connects different parts of a company through the thread of customer relationships. Sales, Marketing, Accounting and Customer Service can all be tied together with a powerful, centralized CRM software made to retain customer loyalty, increase revenue, deliver consistent and efficient customer service, and finally, evaluate which customers to focus on. Basically, every company has customers, and every company should maintain some basic information about those customers such as names, addresses, purchases, contracts, invoices, etc. Therefore every company should have at least some basic "CRM Technology" to track and serve their customers. Even small businesses use Outlook, Quicken or other applications for this purpose. If you use Microsoft Outlook for your daily communications, calendaring, tasks and appointments and need a way to track sales leads and opportunities, to share data across sales representatives, to improve the understanding of your sales process, to communicate with a broad groups of people on a one to one basis, to improve your business process in the most important area – sales, and need a reporting system that beats multiple excel spreadsheets, then you need a complete CRM solution. Why ? Because a CRM software can increase profitability for your business by reducing current operating costs, usually in the call center or distribution system, and by increasing customer value through smarter marketing using customer data to increase customer profitability. Can you do it without a CRM ? Probably, but not as efficiently because only a CRM is built to take care of Customer personal needs “centrally”, meaning that by using a single software, all the employees of the same company can access an organised database via Internet, where sales, customer service and management have access to the same customer data using tools such as “Sales Force Automation” (provides Lead Management, Opportunity Management, Account and Contact Management, Reports and Dashboards specifically useful for your organization's sales team), “Customer Support and Services” (provides Ticket Management, Knowledge Base, E-mail Notifications specifically useful for your organization's customer support team.), “Marketing Automation” (provides Lead Management, Mailing Lists, E-mail/Mail Merge templates, Product Management, specifically useful for your organization's marketing team.), “Inventory Management” (provides Products, Price Books, Vendors, Quotes, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, and Invoices specifically useful for integrating your organization's sales, inventory, and accounting processes and enhance the sales effectiveness.) , providing a complete integration between pre-sales, post-sales, procurement, fulfillment, and other business processes within your organization. In other words, a good CRM software will help you build customer relationships by setting mutually satisfying goals between organization and customers, establishing and maintaining customer rapport and producing positive feelings in your organization and for the customers. Organizations that implement CRM and turn their business into e-businesses will find their competitors' customers ready to welcome them with a "smile". According to a study by IT Consulting firm Aberdeen - "The winners in this new economy will be those companies that can effectively leverage the Internet to redesign, automate and integrate all business operations". Take the plunge! Either jump on board with CRM and invest, knowing you need it, or get out the calculator and pencil and start adding up what you’re going to lose! One thing is for certain – a few short months after implementing your CRM solution, you’ll wonder how on earth you ever got by without it! momentustech. ca

An overview of italy for travelers

Rome, the Winter Olympics, Wine, Ferrari, beautiful beaches – Italy has it all. If you are considering traveling to Italy, here are some things you should know. An Overview of Italy for Travelers From a European perspective, there is little doubt that Italy is the foundation of modern society in the West. This is conclusion is primarily due to two facts, the reign of the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church. In more modern times, Italy became a nation-state in 1861 when the city-states of the peninsula, along with Sardinia and Sicily, were united under King Victor Emmanuel II. An era of parliamentary government came to a close in the early 1920s when Benito Mussolini established a Fascist dictatorship. His disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany led to Italy's defeat in World War II. A democratic republic replaced the monarchy in 1946 and economic revival followed. Italy was a charter member of the European Economic Community. It has been at the forefront of European economic and political unification. Persistent problems include illegal immigration, organized crime, corruption, high unemployment, sluggish economic growth, and the low incomes and technical standards of southern Italy compared to the prosperous north. If you are going to Italy, here are some basic things you need to know. 1. Northern Italy is wealthy while the south is not. 2. Italy is slightly larger than the state of Arizona. 3. Italy's climate is predominantly Mediterranean with Alpine in far north and hot, dry areas in the south. 4. Vatican City in Rome is considered an independent country. 5. You cannot get into any area of the Vatican wearing shorts. 6. Rome had the first paved streets in the world in 170 B. C. Vehicles had to be banned because of traffic jams! 7. Roman gladiators were the first athletes to endorse products. 8. Considered one of the oddest Emperors, Caligula appointed his horse to a senate position among other more infamous actions. 9. Roman statutes were very utilitarian. The heads could be removed and replaced to reflect the changes in political climate. 10. When the Roman army lost a battle, they really took it hardmanders would kill every tenth soldier under their command. This act is the root of the word “decimate.” 11. Surprising to many is the fact there were significant time periods where ancient Rome had no Emperor. The senate would rule. In times of threat, the senate would elect a person as Emperor. He had absolute power, giving rise to the term dictator. 12. Vast percentages of Romans died from lead poisoning. They used is as a sweetener! 13. In the early 1900’s, Prince Piero Ginori Conti invented the geothermal pump. He is considered the father of modern geothermal power. 14. 20 Italians have won the Nobel Prize. 15. Michelangelo's real name is Michelangelo Buonarroti. 16. The population of Italy as of 2005 was 58,103,033 people. 17. The flag of Italy was inspired by the French flag brought in 1797 by Napoleon. 18. Lehman Brothers owns seven percent of Ferrari. 19. Italy trails only Brazil in World Cup wins. Italy is an amazing country with colorful, animated people. From ancient culture to a bustling modern country, a trip to Italy is hard to beat.

Exercise hydration before during and after physical effort

Hydrating, like diet, is extremely important in fitness and in sport in general. If the body does not get enough calories during physical effort, it can take them from its own 'deposits' of adipose tissue, or even from the muscular proteins; but when water is insufficient, things are much more complicated and there are bigger risks for the body. Water is involved in all the metabolic processes, so not providing the body with enough liquid can have as a consequence perturbation of the bio-chemical reactions, which directly influences the effectiveness of the training and even the practitioner's state of health. Physical effort, especially the aerobic one, leads to dehydration through perspiration (which regulates the temperature of the body, preventing over-heating). There is a very strict rule which imposes drinking water (liquid) before, during and after physical effort. Besides regulating the body temperature, correct hydrating helps eliminating the toxic substances resulted during and after the training (urea, sodium, etc.) easier; hydration acts like a 'means of transport' through perspiration and urine. Thus, the metabolism of blood sugar, lipids and proteins is developed in good conditions, ensuring contraction force for short time and especially for resistance efforts. There is also the opposite of dehydration – over hydration, due to excessive consume of water. In this situation, besides the inconvenient of very frequent urination, the blood vessels are overloaded and this leads to making the work of the heart, which must provide a much too big volume of pumping, more difficult. As a consequence, the effectiveness of the training is hindered and the sport performance does not get to the expected level. The sensation of 'heavy body' can also appear for the practitioner of common fitness. As for the type of liquids, the sportsman must supervise the level of effort which produces dehydration and melting of the glycogen reserves. Besides water, the practitioner can use isotonic drinks, (which have an electrolytic composition similar to the one of the body) or liquids containing sugar easy and quick to absorb by the body (fructose, glucose, dextrose, etc.). All of these can contribute to fast restore of the glycogen reserves of the body. It is advisable to drink the liquids in small and frequent doses, so that the body assimilates them better and they do not briskly overload the body during effort. Both in over hydrating and in dehydrating, there is the risk of 'putting to work' too much the renal excretory function. Over hydrating can have as a consequence significant elimination of electrolytes, which are precious for the body (potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, etc), and they need to be replaced from sources as natural as possible (fruit, vegetables, mineral water, etc.). In case of dehydrating, the volume of urine will be severely diminished because the body will try to retain mineral salts and vitamins. Besides unwanted deposits, renal lithiasis, gout, etc., a very severe consequence of this effort of the body to retain liquid is renal blocking. Correct hydrating involves a certain discipline, which means that liquids must be consumed repeatedly during the day, not only during physical effort. A person must not get to feel thirst. This is only a very late alarm, signaling that the right quantity of water has been missing from the body for a couple of hours. Except while eating and immediately after, in order not to perturb digestion by excessive diluting, a real prophylaxis of dehydrating and over hydrating can be made through correct, constant and preventive consume of liquids.

Seo link building with web content secrets

It's the timeless question: how do you get other sites to link to you? The most commonly discussed ways are reciprocal linking (swapping links) and buying links. Yet there's another important tool for building links that should be a part of your toolbox: distributing content in exchange for one-way inbound links. Comparison with Other Linking Methods • Reciprocal Linking: The big advantage of content distribution over swapping links is that the links built are one-way, and therefore presumably more valuable. Of course, reciprocal links still have value, but relying primarily on them might hamper your SEO efforts. • Indirect Reciprocal Links: I link my site A to your site, so you link your site to my site B. The problems are that this can be a lot of work, and also, Google can detect indirect links if you do it more than once with the same group of sites, which might make your linking arrangements look like a link farm. • Paid Links: The problem with paid links is 1) the costs add up; 2) search engines are getting better and better at discounting paid links. According to Matt Cutts' blog, "I wouldn't be surprised if search engines begin to take stronger action against link buying in the near sites can lose their ability to give reputation (e. g. PageRank and anchortext)." Kinds of Content to Distribute • Articles. This is the essential kind of content distribution, to the point that many people consider content distribution simple as "article marketing." However, you're missing out on a few other sources of links if you only do articles. • News blurbs. A lot of news-style sites will only reprint pieces of a couple of paragraphs. The good news is that often enough the whole point of these news blurbs is to include links to other sites, in a sort of "look what we've found" kind of way, a la Slashdot. org • Press Releases. There are some sites that aggressively reprint press releases. A press release is like an article, only in a very specific press release format, and frankly that's not that enjoyable to read. I don't know why some sites are so head-over-heels over press releases, but, hey, that's their business. The good news is that even if you can't write and don't want to hire a writer, press releases (at least basic ones) are pretty easy to do. • Tools, games and other webware. Sites with popular tools, software, Flash games and other webware often let other sites use it in exchange for a link. The big potential downside is technical support. • Images. Images, especially charts and photographs, are important forms of content on the web. If you have great images on your site and people ask you to use them on their sites, require a backlink in exchange. The problem with images is that they are so easily stolen. Stolen words can be uncovered with a web search. You could try to watermark images with a copyright symbol, URL, and the link requirement. But in the process you'd make the image much less desirable. • Web design templates. These have been freely distributed for a long time. Yet they are even more easily stolen than images. Also, if you embed a link in the footer of a web template, what you'll get back are sitewide links, which are often thought to be filtered out in search engines. Maximizing Content Distribution Links' Effectiveness: Anchor Text Anchor text. You need optimized anchor text to rank high for any competitive keyword. That means you need your target keyword in the anchor text, and very importantly, variants of the target keyword (too many links with the exact same anchor text may be filtered). The problem is that some sites by default don't let you choose the anchor text of the link to your site. So you need to: 1) look for sites that do reprint content with optimized anchor text; 2) specifically ask for your target anchor text to be used. Also, do keep in mind that a true natural linking structure will require you to have a number of links that are not anchor-text-optimized, typically with the URL as the anchor text. How to Find Sites Finding sites to submit content is the biggest challenge. You can start by asking around to any other webmasters you already have a relationship with. Next, web-search. The classic method is "submit article" + [keyword]. Most of the sites you find this way won't be good candidates, which is why this can be a bit labor-intensive. I use offshore labor for this step, as well as a program that will sort and store all the search results into a spreadsheet; otherwise it might not be worth it. Then again, the same would be true for finding reciprocal linking partners. Ethical Issues & Best Practices Golden rule: remember that there's a human being who has to approve your article for submission. • Read and adhere to all submission guidelines. • Avoid automation. There's almost always some detail of submission that requires a human eye: a multitude of html formatting requirements, changing site themes, etc. • Don't submit by email unless specifically instructed. Using a contact form prevents possible sp@m accusations. • Only approach websites that request content submissions. • Don't misrepresent reprint content as original. • Don't submit the same content too often. After about two hundred reprints, a lot of people will be seeing the same thing over and over again and possibly complaining. In short, as SEO gets more competitive, having more and more linking methods at your disposal gets more and more important. Don't overlook this important tool.

2006 Boston red sox preview

2005 Overview: After finally breaking the 86-year curse of Babe Ruth not to mention performing one of the most miraculous comebacks in baseball history vs. the Yankees, the Boston Red Sox entered the 2005 season hopeful their good fortune would continue. Even though Curt Schilling’s ankle wasn’t 100% - the blueprint for 2005 began by adding newly acquired pitchers David Wells and Matt Clement to the starting rotation. But from the beginning of the season it was evident that Schilling’s ankle wouldn’t cooperate as he started only 3 games prior to the All Star break. Thankfully for Red Sox fans no one was running away with the AL East just yet. It wasn’t hard for Boston to remain in the hunt for another AL East title especially with the lethal 1-2 offensive punch of Manny Ramieriz (.292 45 144) and David Ortiz (.300 47148) providing the bulk of the scoring. Outfielder Johnny Damon (.316 10 75) continued his impressive output as the Red Sox leadoff hitter while Trott Nixon (.275 13 67) and catcher Jason Varitek (.281 22 70) returned another season of impressive offensive numbers. The starting pitching learned to live without Schilling with David Wells (15 7 4.45) assembling a decent season. Pitchers Matt Clement (13 6 4.57) and Tim Wakefield (16 7 4.15) also stepped up their game in order to keep the Red Sox and Yankees neck and neck until the last weekend series at Fenway. The Yankees won the season finale two games to one, leaving the Red Sox to face the Chicago White Sox in the Division Series. Unfortunately for the Red Sox, 2005 ended with a quick postseason departure as they were swept three games to none, losing game 3 in Fenway 5-3 to the White Sox. Off Season Moves: The chaos created by the initial departure of GM Theo Epstein proved beneficial for the Yankees who were able to snag free agent All Star Centerfielder Johnny Damon from under the Red Sox noses. Boston struck back days later completing a seven player deal with the Marlins netting 3rd baseman Mike Lowell (.236 8 58) starting pitcher Josh Beckett (15-8 3.37) and pitcher Guillermo Mota (2-2 4.70). Mota was later used to acquire outfielder Coco Crisp (.300 16 69 16 SB) who will be used to replace Damon in centerfield. Also picked up in the Crisp trade was reliever David Riske (3-4 3.10). Other notable off season moves included trading Doug Mirabelli to the Padres for 2nd baseman Mark Loretta (.280 3 38) as well as sending infielder Edgar Renteria to the Braves for cash along with 3B Andy Marte. Additional moves included the Red Sox avoiding arbitration with infielder Tony Graffanino (.309 7 38) as well as adding pitcher Julian Tavarez (2-3 3.43) and outfielder J. T. Snow (.275 4 40). 2006 Analysis: Expect the starting pitching for Boston to be stronger then last year with the addition of Josh Beckett and the anticipated rebound of Schilling. The Red Sox are also hoping that Wells will be more comfortable as the 3rd vs. number 1 starter - a role he was forced to assume when Schilling was unable to rebound from his 2004 ankle injury. The bullpen is upgraded with the addition of Tavarez and Riske. Expect Mike Timlin (7-3 2.24) Keith Foulke (5-5 5.91 15 saves) Jonathan Papelbon (3-1 2.65) and Bronson Arroyo (14-10 4.51) to pick up right where they left off last year. Boston took it hard on the chin by losing Johnny Damon as his production and leadership will be missed but Crisp is a young player with a good deal of speed. Crisp posted career highs last year in runs (86), hits (178) and homers and the Red Sox are counting on him doing even more to fill the void left by Damon. Also expect Manny Ramieriz to be on the opening day roster as whispers of him leaving to the Orioles or Mets in some multi-team mega deal appear to be nothing more then fodder to sell newspapers. Few teams can manage Manny’s contract and the Red Sox seem to unwilling to offer and financial relief to any teams who have shown interest in acquiring him.

Evaluating a franchise opportunity

There are now franchise opportunities that operate in almost every type of business category that you can imagine. They are available in most price brackets and can suit most people lifestyles. Franchising is now a very reputable way to start a business and has revolutionized the way people do business throughout the world. Are you considering buying a franchise? If so then you need to decide on the type of business that would suit your lifestyle and budget. The best way to decide if a business is right for you is to start by attending franchise exhibitions, searching for franchises on the internet and buying some franchise magazines. Franchise exhibitions are a great place to start. You can talk to many franchisors in one day and also evaluate the alternatives. Most franchisors have their marketing material and brochures available for you to pick up at their stands. Some will offer you refreshments and sandwiches whilst they try and persuade you to buy into their franchise. Often you can also meet the lenders who specialise in helping you raise funds to buy your franchise at the exhibition. They can not only help you with your funding requirement but also discuss the pros and cons of the various franchise options available. There is a wealth of information available on the internet that can easily be accessed in the comfort of your own home with a click of the mouse. The best thing about the internet is that almost all the information you require is available free of cost. Franchise magazines provide a wealth of information and are also probably the first place you will find out about the launch of a new franchise. It takes a while for a new business to start exhibiting and to appear on the radar of the search engines. Narrow your choices down to three potential franchise opportunities and request brochures from the franchisors. It is imperative that you then get in touch with existing franchisees. This will help you in deciding which franchise business is right for you. Discuss with them the potential of the business and the difficulties they have encountered. Analyse their territory and compare it with yours. It might be worth paying them a visit so that you can meet them face to face and see for yourself how easy or difficult it is to manage the franchise. Ensure that you take legal and accounting advice before you sign the franchise agreement and pay any sums of money over. Ask your accountant to help you draw up a business plan and make sure that there are some contingency funds incase the business takes longer then anticipated to become profitable. You should never rush into buying a franchise opportunity as the business that you end up choosing will probably keep you busy for at least the next three to five years. Once you have signed the franchise agreement get ready for some hard work. Buying a franchise does not necessarily guarantee your success. Hard work, effort and determination are also required to make your business successful.

What we love about tampa bay florida

The Tampa Bay area in Florida includes the major cities of Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg. Tampa is in Hillsborough County and Clearwater and St. Petersburg are in Pinellas County. There is more to this area than just sand, surf and sun. While it is true that the three are the original main attractions of the area, there is so much more to Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay Florida real estate is one of the hottest markets available. Homes and condos in this area are hot because they have it all and especially location, location, location! There are hundreds of homes and condos on the market every day for Tampa Bay Florida real estate, leaving the Tampa Bay area one of the most desirable places to live in North America. There are also plenty of homes in Pinellas County at affordable rates for people of all ages should you want to live closer to the beaches. Families thrive in Pinellas County with good schools nearby, and plenty of park space for young ones to run and play. The beaches of Pinellas County will take your breath away each and every time you visit. The Pinellas County homes for sale are perfect for the young executive who works in the area. It is close to major shopping centers and has plenty of quiet character for up and coming future CEOs to concentrate on their jobs while living in the peaceful surroundings of Pinellas County. Tampa is a short 20 minute drive from Pinellas County should you find yourself working in downtown Tampa or in need of access to the Tampa International Airport. There are many Tampa Bay homes for sale that are just perfect for anyone, no matter your situation. Whether you are a young family who is purchasing your first home, or senior citizens who are looking for an active 55+ community that’s a little more ‘out of the hub’, then this area is for you. There is a wide variety of homes and condos for sale in this beautiful area of Florida, so one of them is guaranteed to be right for your needs. Tampa Bay Florida real estate offers awesome opportunities for the young and the old. As mentioned before, the Tampa Bay area is also very popular with the aging population -- senior citizens love the warm climate and the friendly atmosphere and are looking at Tampa Bay as a wonderful, safe place to retire. Florida is a beautiful state located in the southern portion of the United States. Its warm atmosphere is about more than just its climate. The people that reside in Florida are pleasant and a welcoming factor to the area. After all, most of us are transplants from the northern states such as New York, New Jersey and Chicago. 90% of the people who live here hated the brutally cold winters up north and thoroughly enjoy having 365 days of warm sunshine to wake up to each morning. The residents that live here range from blue collar to white collar workers -- from families to executives to senior citizens. Tampa Bay Florida real estate is for everyone who wants to get in on the action that Florida has to offer -- mild climate, good schools, fantastic restaurants, superb night clubs, convenient shopping, boating, outstanding golf courses, and community events for everyone. You really can’t go wrong. As they say in the real estate world, it’s all about location, location, location…and Tampa Bay Florida has a great location! Check out the Tampa homes for sale today and find your dream home or retirement get away.

Cincinnati schools face layoffs

Cincinnati Schools have recently endured an increased number of teacher and staff layoffs. The changes being made are noticeably affecting the function of schools; many parents have perceived the losses and been able to pinpoint the changes these departures have made in the Cincinnati Schools. Before teachers, other workers in Cincinnati Schools are considered for layoff and the absence of these much-needed classroom helpers has had a debilitating impact on the learning environments. After careful budget examination in previous years, the district has made efforts to save money and escape its financial difficulties. The budget, which rang in at a resounding $428.6 million, was seen as unacceptable. Cincinnati Schools have since been exposed to radical changes. Spending efforts have been seriously scrutinized and it has been determined that $39 million of the general budget needs to be saved. $39 million would total 9 percent of the overall budget and give the Cincinnati Schools a considerably healthier budget. Schools officials are taking the brunt of the force when it comes to layoffs. Conditions are brutal as these teacher’s assistants, cafeteria monitors, and special-education aides are lost to the systems. Cincinnati Schools are experiencing increased mayhem in the larger classrooms where these aides were particularly needed. Keeping the order often becomes a dual effort of both teacher and assistant in a room full of thirty children. Cincinnati Schools in particular have large classrooms and utilized the position of classroom aide to benefit a structured learning environment. Unfortunately, the layoffs in Cincinnati Schools are seriously impacting the students in other ways. While the absence of teachers’ aides may prove to be an incredible inconvenience, it pales in comparison to the shocking neglect that the music departments in Cincinnati Schools are now facing. Schools are returning instruments and losing their music programs in general as music teachers are considered for lay off as well. The VH1 Save the Music Foundation has given $1 million in instruments to 39 schools but will no longer fund band unless a school has hired a certified music teacher. This kind of selectivity will serve to injure the student public educational experience. The arts are being disregarded as unimportant in the Cincinnati School budget reconfiguration and the effects are devastating. Studies support the existence of a strong connection between arts courses and academic achievement. These studies point especially to the dramatic improvement in student math scores when music is placed into the curriculum. Over time, the more that music and math are studied along side one another, the more elevated the math scores becomeparatively, students who did study music scored 61 points higher on the math section of the SAT and 63 points higher on the verbal than did students who were never exposed to music courses in their time at school. This shocking statistic, provided by the 2001 College Bound Seniors National Report, should give Cincinnati Schools’ District Officials a pause as they consider which programs and instructors to cut next from their places of learning.

Sanya xacti

Sany Xacti VPC-HD1 This digital HD media camera is small, elegant, and also lightweight. The Sanyo Xacti will beautifully capture your memories in high definition. The stylish vertical design offered by the camera will make it easier for you to keep an arm steady while you shoot. 2.2" color OLED The 2.2" flip out organic light emmitting diode screen will offer easier viewing of your recordings, even in bright sunlight. Video and pictures The Xacti will simultaneously shoot 5.1 megapixel still images and high definition video clips. The HD1 can also record over 21 minutes of 720 pixel HD video on a single 1 GB SD care, or well over 42 minutes on a 2 GB card. MPEG 4 format The HD1 utilizes the high quality MPEG 4 recording format which will deliver amazing video clarity and detail. With the files being conveniently small, you have the ability to record long, high quality video clips. Start up When you close the LCD screen, the camera will go into standby mode. Open it back up, and you are ready to shoot in as little as 2 seconds! The camera also records straight to SD flash memory cards, so it will skip the long process of getting the tape deck started. Image stabilizer The image stabilizer will accurately distinguish between the unintentional camera shake and deliberate camera movement from pans or tilts. It will then compensate for the camera shaking to give you more natural results when you shoot. Zoom lens The highly effective and bright 10x optical zoom lens witha maximum aperture of f/3.5 will allow you to get up close to the action. Coupled with a 10X digital zoom, it will give you up to 100X of zooming capabilities. Scene modes You can create breathtaking pictures with the HD1 by selecting the best suited mode to the subject. The scene selection mode will work for both still images and video. The modes to choose from include sports, portrait, landscape, fireworks, and even night view. Easy playback You can share your pictures and video clips with family and friends in a snap. Multiple connections will allow for easy television playback, dubbing to a VCR or DVD recorder, transfer to a PC for DVD creation, editing, or just posting on the internet. With everything the Sanya Xacti VPC HD1 has to offer, it's perfect for anyone looking for a HD video camera. You can do many things with this camera, other than taking pictures or making videos. If you've never experienced a HD video camera, the Sanya Xacti is certainly one of the first ones you should check out. (word count 434)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Descriptive terms in real estate ads more definitions

If you are buying or selling a home, the chances are good you struggle with the meaning of descriptive real estate terms. Here are explanations and definitions for more terms. “Shed Dormers” These are often seen in Dutch colonial style houses and are flat roofed dormers. Sometimes these dormers are single windows, but often they are two or three windows side by side with one flat roof. “Blind Dormer Window” Sometimes builders construct fake dormer windows to add architectural interest to new houses. They are at attic level but can’t be seen from the attic because the roof of the house covers access to them. “Oversize Garage” Ads often say how many cars a garage will hold. Then they add the word “oversize” as in “oversize 2-car garage.” What is usually meant is that there is room for storage, or a work bench in addition to space for the cars. Occasionally it simply means you can open a car door wide enough to actually get out with both cars in the garage! “Gourmet Kitchen” This phrase is intended to convey the idea that a very good cook can happily work here. That may or may not be the case, but it does usually mean that the kitchen is fairly large and attractive. “Great Room” I’ve seen this used in two distinctly different ways. The first is to describe a living room, dining room, and kitchen in a very open floor plan. The area typically has a high ceiling. The second way I’ve seen it used is when what we’d normally call a family room has a high, often coffered, ceiling, a fireplace with a dramatically massive mantle, and perhaps an upstairs balcony overlooking it. I think this may stem from the idea of a “great hall” in old English houses. If you can get the verbiage down, you’ll be way ahead in the real estate game. Look for future articles on this subject or visit our site to read more terms.

Cosmetic dentistry the changing face of our smiles

There are a lot of people who are discontented with their look in the world nowadays. Many people’s teeth may have been unpleasant for all of their lives; while others teeth may have grown unattractive due to aging. For many reasons, people have decided to look into cosmetic dentistry as the solution to their unattractive teeth. Cosmetic dentistry could be considered a dental facelift. It aims to change a person’s appearance so they look better and feel more confident. Oftentimes dentists make use of a combination of braces and porcelain veneers to make teeth look and feel better. Porcelain veneers replace your existing tooth with a better looking one. The Porcelain Laminate Veneers are specially made porcelain wafers that can be placed over your teeth so they look new and white. They come in a variety of shades to match the color of your teeth. Veneers are also able to correct unattractive smiles, turn around the effects of growing and aging, and make your teeth whiter. A lot of high fashion movie stars use veneers to keep that perfect smile. You can choose from impermanent and permanent veneers, depending on your unique situation. People more often than not wear the impermanent veneers as the permanent ones. When it comes to the price, veneers usually cost several thousand dollars each, depending on the amount of teeth that need modification. Tooth whitening is another very trendy way to change the look of your teeth. There are actually two types of whitening. 1.First is the at-home whitening which uses about 10 to 20% carbamine peroxide. Impressions of the patient’s mouth are made in order to make trays of the teeth. The trays are fitted in the patient’s mouth and hold the carbamine peroxide gel in place on the teeth to be worn during sleep. Time: 1 to 6 weeks. 2.In-office whitening makes use of a high intensity light along with 35% hydrogen peroxide. With this, the patient’s gums are protected and the whitening process can be finished in just an hour. Cosmetic dentistry also offers the ultimate help for the “gummy” smile, a gum – lift. This process can get rid of gums in order to make teeth appear longer and improve the smile. Jagged gum lines can make the teeth appear as if they are at different levels and lengths, also making for an unappealing smile. This procedure in cosmetic dentistry is quick, and patients feel no pain or even any ill effects. Now that you know the ways to improve your smile, the next thing you need to do is to find the best doctor in your area so that you can be on your way to a winning smile.

Complaints against dental hygienists

Complaints Against Dental Assistants Most Dental Assistants work hard to ensure the best quality treatment available to all patients. However, there are those who don’t live up to the expectations of the patient. The patient has the right to address this issue with the dental facility. If they do not feel their complaint has been properly handled, they can then file a complaint with the State Dental Board. State Dental Boards are responsible for regulating dental practices. They work hard to protect the public against improper behaviors by Dental Assistants, Dental Hygienists, and Dentists. They are to thoroughly investigate all complaints filed that involve competentcy. State Dental Boards do not handle complaints such as fee disputes, personality conflicts, rude behaviors, or difficulty with scheduling appointments in a timely manner. Such issues are to be referred to the Better Business Bureau. It is important to file a complaint with the State Dental Board as soon as possible to allow then to be of the most help. Most states allow you to file your complaint online, over the phone, or you can request a form be sent to you in the mail. Some states will only accept a complaint in writing. Dental Assistants need to be aware of the process that patients can go through if they have a complaint. Dental Assistants need to be cooperative during the investigation. If a Dental Assistant feels a patient may file a complaint, it is important to write down as much information as possible. This information needs to include the patient’s name, date, time, and what took place. Also document any verbal interactions and who all was present to observe the incident. This information will be very useful to you and to the State Dental Board. The Dental Board works hard to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. However, it will not rush the efforts to investigate it properly. Some complaints are resolved in a matter of days while others linger for years. Once a complaint has been filed, a copy of it is sent to the dental facility for a response. Generally, the dental facility is given a specific time frame to have their response back to the State Dental Board. Once the response is received and reviewed, the Dental Board will compare the information to that on the complaint. From there, a course of action will be mapped out. This generally involved conducting interviews of all parties present during the incident. A panel is set up to investigate if any dental laws were violated. If there appears to be a violation, a hearing will be scheduled. The Dental Assistant will be notified as well as required to show up for the hearing. If the Dental Assistant is found to be in violation of dental laws, the Dental Board will issue a reprimand. This will depend on the state guidelines as well as the violation. Reprimands may include a letter of apology, suspension, probation, or even revocation of the Dental Assistant’s license. The Dental Board is not allowed to require monetary compensation. If the person filing the complaint want to be compensated in that manner, they will need to file a civil suit with their local judicial system. Dental Assistants who find themselves in the middle of a complaint issue with the Dental Board are likely to experience anxiety and fear. Many dental facilities will provide the individual with counseling as well as legal consultation. In most cases, it will depend on the issue the Dental Board is investigating. If the dental facility backs the Dental Assistant they will do all they can. However, if they feel the Dental Assistant is in violation of dental regulations they may terminate the individual, leaving them to pay for their own defense. It is the responsibility of the Dental Assistant to follow all policies and procedures correctly. If you have any doubt, take the time to have everything explained to you. Losing a complaint under the Dental Board can cost you your job, as well as your career. If you lose your license, you may find it difficult to obtain another job in the profession as a Dental Assistant. Making sure you follow policies and procedures will ensure that you have a good chance of winning such complaints upon a complete review and investigation by the Dental Board. Word Count 722

Choosing a web hosting provider

There are literally thousands of web hosting providers on the Internet and it can be extremely difficult to decide on the right one. It is important to choose the right web host for your business. After all, your business is a reflection on you, so you definitely want a web host that is reliable – this means that cost should not be the only factor you consider when choosing your web hosting provider. To help you search for a good web hosting provider, you can start reading some web hosting reviews and visit some web hosting demo site. You can begin at this web hosting review site at ixwebhostingreview. org , over 60 web hosting being reviewed and with sample demo sites. It can be very confusing to know where to start when you are looking for someone to host your website, because there are so many different companies to choose from. It is like being on vacation and trying to choose just the right local restaurant – unless you know a little about the culture of the city, you are lost. However, with web hosting, if you know a little of the basics, then you should not have a problem choosing a reputable web hosting provider. One of the first issues you will need to assess about your prospective web hosting providers and the amount of server uptime they guarantee. Most reputable hosting companies strive for at least 99% uptime. If the servers of hosting company you choose are consistently down, then you will lose visitors and traffic and of course income. Most good hosting companies have scores of satisfied customers, so be sure to check customer reviews and feedback. You should find these both on the website and by searching the internet. Another consideration is how much hosting space the plan you are interested in provides. If you are planning on hosting a lot of images and videos, then you will need to plan accordingly. If you are unsure of the amount of space you might need, make sure your web hosting provider allows for easy upgrades to other hosting plans. Bandwidth is another concern when you are trying to decide which web hosting plan will suit your needs. This is simply how much data transfer you are allowed each month for your visitors and customers to use and view your website. Again, if you have lots of images and multimedia files, you will need to make allowances. On the other hand, if your site is mostly informational and/or your multimedia hosting is done elsewhere, you will probably be able to get away with less bandwidth. Ease of hosting plan upgrade is also definitely a consideration here. When considering both storage space and bandwidth, the general rule is to get as much for your money as you possibly can without sacrificing quality. Beware of hosting companies that offer unlimited bandwidth at ‘too good to be true' prices. Be sure to read the ‘fine print' in the ‘Terms of Service' agreement. Normally, the hosting company's definition of ‘unlimited' will be defined. Be sure that the web hosting provider you are considering offers all the features you will need to manage your website properly. A feature that you thought was included might not be available or may only be available as an ‘add on'; and if you are running an ecommerce site, there will be certain necessary security software and features you will need , such as secure Socket Layer (SSL). If you have any questions before purchasing, make sure that you ask them. This is also a good way to gauge the customer service of your prospective web hosting company. Doing your research ahead of time will save you much wasted time and money when selecting a reputable hosting company. Hosting providers are literally ‘a dime a dozen', so take your time and be selective. Your business depends on it. Finally, before your enroll to their hosting services, you should find the best web hosting coupon and web hosting deal. A huge collection of over 30 web hosting coupon available at ixwebhostingreview. org/web-hosting-coupons/ coupon sitepare and select the best web hosting deal.

Glass and chandeliers colored glass lighting

The subtle and mysterious effect of colored glass lighting has mystified people from all over the world from antiquity to modern times. Colored glass lighting has the brilliance of gleaming color that are unmatched by any paintings or any abstract pictures because it derives its beauty from light. In the past, the use of colored glass lighting has been limited to windows because of its high dependency on natural light source. However, in recent years, you can observe that there have been drastic developments in the technology of colored glass lighting so its 800 year old role of being a window decoration has been expanded. Right now, colored glass lighting is being used by interior designers, architects, and other artists to increase the beauty of their surroundings. In public buildings as well as private homes, you can now see that colored glass lighting are being the centerpiece in making a building structure as beautiful as it is. Traditional Venetian Chandeliers In ancient Roman times, glassmaking became one of the major causes of fires in Venice. For this reason, making glass in the Venetian area has been forbidden. However, instead of killing the industry, Venetian glass just became more exclusive because the secrets of their glassmaking techniques never went out. Traditional Venetian chandeliers normally have a classy design that is suitable for elegant and sophisticated homes. It is no wonder then that from ancient leaders of the past up to the modern politicians and loyalty prefer to use traditional Venetian chandeliers on their offices and homes. There are many designs you can choose from when you decide to purchase traditional Venetian chandeliers. You can be assured of its quality but you need to find the perfect design to suit the theme of your home. Murano Glass Chandeliers The beauty of Murano glass chandeliers lies in the glass. When the Roman Empire introduced glasses around 2000 years ago, people in Italy have found ways to experiment and improve on its design. Because of this, the term “Murano” soon became associated with quality glassworks. Some Murano specialties include the lattimo and cristallo glasswork. Cristallo is the kind of glass that is perfectly clear and it is easily moldable when hot so designers can make incredible Murano glasses from it. Meanwhile, the lattimo glass has an opaque milk color to suit aesthetic purposes. Usually, the cristallo and lattimo glasses are combined together to form impressive Murano glass chandeliers with lace like designs and decorative finishes. When you combine Murano glasses and colored glasses together in a chandelier, the result is an amazing symmetry of colors that would give life to any room. In addition, remember that if you decide to buy Murano glass chandeliers, you are getting a top of the line product that can inspire artistry and elegance in your home. The Murano glass have also proven that it can stand the test of time so you can never go wrong when you decide to buy a chandelier that is made from secret Venetian techniques and great craftsmanship.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Obesity and poor male sexual health

Obesity is one of the reasons why a lot of people suffer from many health ailments. Being obese or having too much fat than what the human body needs can lead to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke. Moreover, obese men are at high risk of developing blood vessel blockage that may cause erectile dysfunction (ED) and hamper their sexual health. Studies show that over 80 percent of men who reported having experienced ED were overweight or obese. These conditions may affect the achievement or sustainment of an erection because of the impact on the complex interaction of sensory information, nerves, blood vessels, and hormones. The vascular tissues of the blood needs to be filled with blood after the nerves have carried sexual stimulation messages to the brain. ED occurs when the body experiences a disruption in any of the factors that leads to an erection. One of the disruptions that may occur is the blockage of arteries that deliver blood to the tissues of the penis. Aside from excessive weight and fat in the body, other obesity-linked factors that adversely affects a person's health include the presence of high blood pressure, high levels of trigylycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the accumulation of bad cholesterol which is also associated with low levels of high-density lipoprotein. Because of these dangers, it is important to determine the right amount of body fat that a person can have at any given time. Many health professionals use the body mass index (BMI) to determine if individuals are carrying too much fat. It is based on one's height and waist, and estimates whether one's weight is healthy or not, and if one is overweight and obese. These health experts say that a healthy BMI for individuals is between 19 and 26. A BMI of 27 to 30 is regarded as overweight, while 30 above is classified as obese. If one's BMI is below 19, it may lead to health problems like osteoporosis, malnutrition, liver disease, and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestines. BMI applies to individuals, regardless of their sex, age, frame size or muscle mass. Many health and relationship specialists suggest the following steps to overcoming obesity and for improving sexual health: Meet up with a doctor and get information regarding safe diet pills, surgeries, or diet plans available for addressing obesity. Change or remove every food item in your diet which makes you fat. Motivate yourself and engage in regular exercise and outdoor activities. Talk to your partner about your performance problem and work out a plan to solve it together. Find out simpler ways to make love. Position yourself in such a way that your partner doesn't feel suffocated. Give each other emotional support. Overweight and obese men should remember that there are no shortcuts to good health. People who are overweight or obese should consider in a change in lifestyle and food regimen. Doctors and other health professionals should be consulted to develop a plan that might work for certain individuals. Men with weight problems must start and maintain an exercise program to shed of unwanted pounds and improve cardiovascular health. Improvements in these areas may lead to improved overall health, enhanced well-being, and optimum sexual health.

Why elliptical trainers are growing in popularity

: If you work out at a health club you probably noticed that in the last few years there are fewer treadmills, because they are being replaced by elliptical trainers. And although treadmills still outsell ellipticals in total numbers, elliptical sales are growing at a faster rate. What is driving the popularity of elliptical trainers? There are two factors that make elliptical trainers so appealing:

  • Low Impact Workout

  • Upper and Lower Body Workout

  • Benefits of a Low Impact Workout Most types of exercise require some type of impact and/or reverse action. For example, when you walk each step is impacting force on your ankles, knees and lower back. That impact is minor in comparison to running, which can be as much as 2.5x your body weight. Over the years that constant pounding can result in long-term injuries and strains. Elliptical trainers reduce the hazards of impact through an elliptical motion.It feels like you are naturally walking or running without any real impact or reverse action, and yet it is a weight bearing exercise that contributes to building muscle and bone density. If you look at the side of an elliptical trainer you’ll notice the shape of the motion is like a flat circular pattern. Budget ellipticals tend to be more circular and bouncy, while quality machines have a flatter circular motion and more of an even stride. Regardless, the elliptical motion significantly reduces the impact to your joints, and that is why elliptical trainers are appealing to older individuals and people with injuries. It is becoming the exercise machine of choice for the “baby boomers.

    Benefits of an Upper and Lower Body Workout The concept of exercising the upper and lower body simultaneously is revolutionary. An elliptical workout utilizes the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and biceps. There is no other machine that offers this benefit. You are not only exercising more muscle group, you are also optimizing your energy expenditure. That means it is taking less time to achieve more results, like burning calories and increasing your cardio capacity. A number of elliptical trainers allow you to reverse the motion, thereby emphasizing resistance to even more parts of your muscles. By exercising more of your muscle mass you improve fat mobilization, which results in burning more calories and building muscle endurance more efficiently. Certain experts have suggested that this dual action process reduces the perceived rate of exertion. In other words, you are exercising harder without a noticeable difference from a less strenuous workout. The benefit of an upper and lower body workout, combined with low impact exercising, are the reasons why elliptical trainers are so popular.

    And there is one other feature that should be noted. In comparison to treadmills, elliptical trainers require considerably less maintenance. That is due to the fact there are fewer moving parts, and less wear from impact. If you haven’t tried an elliptical trainer, get to your local health club or a fitness equipment store and take one for an elliptical spin. Avoid the budget models and test the machines that are at least $1,000+. They have a more natural elliptical motion and are more stable and durable.

    You’ll find that an elliptical trainer can have a major impact on your health and fitness.

    Adverse credit home loan tips

    If you have only been able to rent property in the last few years due to poor credit, you may feel the time is right to buy a property using an adverse credit home loan. However, buying a home can be a daunting prospect, especially if you have had credit problems in the past. This should not deter you though, because even with poor credit you can still find the house that you want. All you need to do is find and secure the right adverse credit home loan. Before looking for a property you should find out more about securing an adverse credit home loan. It pays to know about how much you can borrow before house hunting, because otherwise you will face disappointment when you find the house of your dreams but you are unable to afford it. However, if you follow a few simple steps then finding an adverse credit home loan can be much less troublesome than you might think. Finding a lender The very first step on the path to finding an adverse credit home loan is to find yourself a lender who is willing to offer you a loan. This may seem like a near impossible task to you, but in fact there are a fair number of lenders who might be able to help you. Property is an attractive item for lenders because if they need to take possession then it will be relatively easy to sell. Take the time to look around to find a lender you are happy with. One of the best ways of finding a lender is by using the Internet. This saves you the time of travelling to lenders who cannot help you, and also allows you to search specifically for those lenders who specialise in offering adverse credit home loans. As well as searching online you should visit mortgage lenders and banks in your area. The more research you do, then the more likely you are to find the first adverse credit home loan for your needs. Getting pre-approval Once you have found the lender you think is right for you, then you need to get pre-approval if possible, Pre-approval means that the lender carries out a number of the credit checks necessary to approve you for a loan, so that they can offer you a guaranteed amount that they will lend you. This allows you to begin looking for a property with a budget in mind, as well as showing sellers that you have the correct finance in place to purchase the property. If a specific lender will not give you pre-approval, then try and find one that does. Buying a house Now that you have your pre-approved adverse credit home loan, it is time to find yourself a property. You can look for properties being sold by individuals, or consult a realtor who can help you find a property. Whichever method you choose, it is important to remember that there is more to buying a house than the initial cost. Although your adverse credit home loan will cover the costs of the property itself, you might need to find the money for items such as closing costs and down payments. It is worthwhile consulting a professional who will be able to help you with the property transaction and keep you aware of any extra costs involved.

    Astronomy it really is a high

    Astronomy and space is all about lust for learning. Did you know that astronomy is one of humanity's oldest sciences? In fact, astronomy is one of the earliest sciences that humanity has ever pursued. So the study of our universe is not new but you should remember that astronomy is a science. A science for the masses. And, astronomy is a field about which most of the world knows very little. Astronomy is really an outdoor nature hobby. Astronomy is also a place where international boundaries blur. It is as pure a science as one can find as it studies the Universe and what is in it. It is also an observational science that requires observations and precise calculations, particularly of positions of celestial objects. Astronomy is truly bigger than all of us. Most of modern astronomical research involves a substantial amount of physics and can be considered astrophysics. What is the basic difference between Astrophysics and Astronomy? How stars form is one of the central unknowns of astrophysics. Astronomy is more a matter of making observations. The telescope is undoubtedly a very important investigative tool in astronomy. Did you know that Galileo was the first human to use a telescope for astronomy? Purchasing a telescope is something that most people who get interested in astronomy need to do. If you want to buy you a telescope, but it all looks confusing to you, be sure to do some analysis. Because buying a telescope, like purchasing a automobile or stereo equipment, is subject to your tastes as a buyer. But your choice of a telescope is critical as the telescope is focused on space and astronomy access for all of us. Telescope parts and accessories can be a very useful addition to your astronomy experience. If you're just starting out, look for a quality, affordable telescope for beginning astronomy students and casual observers. You might even ask friends if any of them have a telescope for sale. But the aim is to take advantage of the latest developments in telescope technology to make the next giant leap forward in observing. Many people use the telescope regularly for star parties, astronomy workshops, and casual observing. Public curiosity in astronomy is unlimited. Astronomy is our tool for unlocking the knowledge of the heavens. As mentioned above, it may be a science, but it also is an outdoor nature hobby. But don't worry, you'll see that astronomy is more than just a branch of science, it's cool too. Astronomy is a wonderful field of science for the family to study. Astronomy is all about curiosity, and fulfilling that curiosity.

    The ice cream maker

    There is no doubt that ice cream is one of the nicest things you can have, in the summer it is possible to eat the ice cream at any time and any place, the beach at home or in an ice cream stand, even more then once a day… While ice cream is always fun to have outside, there is a very nice possibly of making the ice cream at home and enjoy an ice cream flavor you choose or even invent. The making of the ice cream may seem like a hard and difficult task and that it requires a lot of time and preparation, the self ice cream process is not that complicated and does not require that you spend all day making it, it is in fact a great way of entertaining your kids and having some family fun. Today there are so many different kinds of ice cream makers on the market that you can find yourself a very advanced ice cream maker and use it to invent all kind of flavors and tastes and experiment with your ice cream maker, its lot of fun and on the latest models there is really not much to do. The great thing about the whole thing is that you can find these machine for much less than before and there are some models that are especially cheap for those of us that are not yet sure that this is something they want to do. You will have to take a good look at the features of the model because in some cases the cheaper models are noisy and take a long time to produce ice cream, not saying the some of the more expensive models are without problems but in general the pre freezing is not necessary any more, and on some new models you can make a batch after batch of ice cream, making it possible for you to make 5 different batches in less than 5 hours. I use to prepare my ice cream on Saturday or any free day, after most of the activates are over, around late noon I gather my kids and open the recipe book to find some ideas to how we are going to use our ice cream maker that day, if we cant find anything we want a short research on the internet shows us the way and we are off to the shop to get everything we need, when we are back everyone picks out a task and the ice cream making starts, we make about 3 batches and place them in the freezer, once we all agree on the timing we sit down to enjoy a family ice cream, our own ice cream, it is a great joy. So if you are considering an ice cream maker start thinking of what are the features that you want, and how much you think you will use your ice cream maker, then take a look at some of the recipes and go out to the shops to find your ice cream maker, make sure it has a some kind of warranty and that it is easy to maintain and clean. It’s a lot of fun making your ice cream, and I am sure you will have fun using it, happy eating!

    Coaching may be for you

    Are you looking for someone who will hold you accountable to achieving your goals? Career coaching and mentoring may be what you need to accomplish what you really want in your career. Your friends and family certainly love you and want the best for you, but they can’t always make the time to devote the necessary hours you may need to achieve your objectives and goals. Your friends and family have objectives and goals that they are looking to achieve as well. Coaching is one of the best investments that I have made. Although there are many coaching packages that you can choose with becoming a coaching client, generally speaking, the coach and client usually have a weekly call, which lasts from about 45 to 55 minutes. Email communication is usually included between each coaching call. I have worked with many terrific people who were extremely talented and were over qualified in the position in which they were working. I could only imagine how much happier and productive they would be if they had hired a career coach to work with them. Why should you consider hiring a career coach? 1. You have someone who is focused on your objectives and goals. Your coaching calls are all about you. Your coach will hold you accountable for your actions to achieve your goals. Many career coaches have graduated from CoachU ( coachu) and have been educated and trained on holding clients accountable to achieving their goals. That’s why many coaches offer a free initial consultation. This initial consultation will better determine if you and your potential coach are compatible. There’s nothing wrong if a particular coach and you are not compatible. The same principle applies with other professional services. You may not be compatible with every accountant, lawyer, contractor, plumber, hairdresser, mechanic or web-designer. 2. You have someone who is objective toward you. As mentioned before, you have family and friends that love you and they may think that any work you do is awesome, but you are generally getting a subjective opinion. A coach would be able to objectively prepare you for such events as a job interview, calls from clients, querying an editor, writing a resume and getting better organized. 3. Someday leads to a town of Nowhere How many of us have always said that we wanted to do things such as write a book, start our own business and switch careers? When did you want to start doing those wonderful things? I have done all three by working with a coach! From what I know of myself, I would not have done these things had I not been working with a coach. I might have looked back and thought shoulda, coulda, woulda. I didn’t want to look back years from now and have those regrets. 4. Coaching Can Be A Great Investment Coaching can cost a lot less than many seminars. What is the total amount of money that you have you spent on self-help items, such as books, audiocassettes, CD’s, Videos, DVD’s and seminars? Did you spend hundreds – maybe thousands of dollars? What kind of rate of return did you get on your investment? Did you achieve your objectives after you read that book, listened to that CD, watched that DVD or went to that seminar? The aforementioned items most likely contained great information on how to achieve your goals. But did any of those items personally hold you accountable and ensured that you achieved your goals? Like any other professional service, coaching costs money. Coaches are educated and trained professionals who provide valuable services. If your sink needed fixing and you had no idea how to fix it, would you hire a plumber to fix your sink? Hopefully! A plumber is paid to do something with specific measurable results: fix your sink. If your career needs fixing, what would you do? Coaching goes beyond specific measurable results. Can you put a price on having a career that you love? I have always wanted to become a writer. My coach taught me how to write more effectively to express my point, get the attention of editors, and get my articles published. I cannot put a price on what I have learned by coaching!

    Romania casinos

    The only legal form of gambling in Romania is in casinos, so it doesn't look like Romania's casinos have much competition for the gambling dollar. This is something of a change for the country, as until 1989 it was run by a rather unspeakable dictator called Nicolae Ceauscescu. Certainly nothing as liberal and open as allowing people to do as they wished with their own money would have been allowed. This meant that while there was indeed gambling (as of course there is everywhere), it was underground, in the black economy. When there was an uprising and the dictator, alongside his wife, was shot, then the country started to move back into the more normal state of affairs. Legalizing gambling, allowing Romania's casinos to start up, was an obvious part of this process. A list of Romania's casinos includes: Arad: Casinoul Astoria Arad Bucharest: Astoria Casino Casino Blindo Hotel Sofitel Casino Bucharest Hotel Inter-Continental Casino Bucur Casino Kings Casino Palace Casino Paris & Hotel Casino Victoria Casino Vox Grand Casino Lido Casino & Lido Hotel Marriott Grand Hotel & Casino Mirage Casino Hotel Ambasador Perla Princess Casino Planet Princess Slot Casino Plaza Casino Club Princess Casino Havana Constanta: Cazino Felix: Casino Salzor Galati: Sofin Hotel & Casino Iasi: Bond Casino Mokdova Mamaia: Casino Best Rimnicu Vilcea: Casino Royal Sinaia: Hotel Palas Peles Castle and Casino Timisoara: Casino Senitor Casino Sterling As you can see, there is a thriving casino sector. However, it does need to be said that Romania's casinos might not all meet the usual description of a casino. Many of them have no gaming tables at all, or do not offer roulette, or have other omissions. Some of them have only video poker games and similar electronic games available, for example. In common with much of Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union these days (and Romania, despite the 1989 events, was something of a slow starter), there are a goodly number of people who have made very large sums of money very quickly. Some legally, some not, and some in a grey area inbetween. Romania's casinos are a frequent stopping place for all three of these groups, and it does pay to find out which are the best casinos in any specific town you are visiting. In the best high quality Romania casinos, you might still find those who have made their money all too quickly, but you will be assured that everything from the decorations to the quality of the food and the drink will be of the very best.

    Easy elegant and traditional southern breakfast recipes for mother s day

    An Easy and Delicious Mother's Day Breakfast Make this Mother's Day unforgettable with one of these breakfast menus, or use your imagination and substitute. Quick and easy but delicious, the breakfast casserole is put together the night before. A delicious cantaloupe smoothie and easy muffins make this breakfast memorable. Western Ham and Egg Casserole Make this casserole the night before, then refrigerate and pop it in the oven in the morning. Ingredients: 8 slices white bread, crust removed, cut into cubes 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese 1 1/4 cups cubed, cooked ham (about 8 ounces) 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/4 cup finely chopped green bell pepper 6 eggs, beaten 3 cups milk Preparation: Place bread cubes in a lightly greased 12x8x2-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with cheese, ham, onion, and green pepper. Whisk together eggs and milk; pour over ham and cheese mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours. Remove from refrigerator; let stand for 30 minutes. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 40 minutes or until set. Western ham and egg casserole serves 8. An Extra-Special Mother's Day Breakfast Here's an elegant breakfast for anyone who loves to cook. Perfect for Mother's day or any special occasion breakfast. For a touch of indulgence, serve this breakfast with champagne and orange juice Mimosas. Eggs Benedict - Fruit Compote With Pears Sour Cream Cinnamon Rolls Strawberry Smoothies or Mimosas Hot Coffee or Tea Southern Breakfast Here's a traditional Southern breakfast, from grits to biscuits and gravy. Grits Scrambled Eggs Deluxe Ham with Red Eye Gravy Biscuits with Sausage Gravy or Pecan Pancakes Orange Juice, Hot Coffee, or Tea Always remember to add a bud vase with her favorite flower to give any breakfast in bed that special touch. Don’t forget the cards and her other gifts too, she will start out the day with a HUGE smile on her face and go to work showing off what her family did for her.

    Let s park that thing

    Well you’re going to jump in and buy that RV, but where are you going to go with it? There are many beautiful RV parks throughout this country and you should see as many as you can. I have been to some great Arizona RV parks, Colorado RV parks, and RV parks in the Smokey Mountains, just to name a few. There are Las Vegas RV parks, Texas RV parks, Florida RV parks, RV parks in any part of the country that you want to visit. They all offer their unique ways of making you feel welcome. When planning a vacation, you should reserve a spot in an RV park much as you would a motel. Several RV parks are filled to capacity during peak months of the year. This will give you an opportunity to check prices at this time. If you are familiar with a particular park, then you will want to reserve that prime location. You will need to put a deposit down when you make your reservation. For you snowbirds who will be staying for an extended period of time, you may want to ask about discounts for long term parking. When making reservations, be sure to ask if the RV park is wired for electricity or if it is primitive camping. Also ask about water and sewage disposal. If you are a serious camper and travel several weeks a year, you may want to consider a club. There are Good Sam RV parks throughout the country as well as other organizations that offer great deals on camping. A good place to find these is on the internet. If you do not own a computer, you can have access to one at your public library. These clubs offer a lot of perks that will make your camping more enjoyable. So get out there and get going. You will learn the ins an outs of vacationing in your RV from other campers that you will meet. They are always willing to teach you the things that they have learned along the way. They will know the best parks and the way to get the best deals. And once you have become a seasoned camper, you will want to pass along your knowledge. This gives you something to talk about around the campfire.

    The secrets to ultimate flexibility in martial arts

    Listen to your body, stretch and condition the way that your body tells you to, yeah, yeah, I get it. But what happens if you DON'T SPEAK your body's language? You want to be flexible but you don't have a clue how to get there. If you want to own the secrets to ultimate flexibility you need to understand how your body works and how it responds to certain exercises and workouts. The secrets to ultimate flexibility lie within you, not with some guy hopping around on a TV screen with a really happy (or really intense) look on his face, bouncing around with at least two hot babes in the background, telling you how to get in shape and achieve the flexibility that you want. Nope, not gonna happen. Your body will tell you what works best for you. But let's look a little at the concept of flexibility and stretching. First, think about what you are doing here. If you take several minutes to stretch, say, your legs to get the right height on a side kick, think about this. You are taking several minutes to prepare a weapon before you can use it. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't think I would want to have to take several minutes to prepare a weapon if I was being threatened in some dark alley by a 400 pound ex-con named Tiny! What I am saying here is to be flexible means to always be warmed up, flexible and ready. Flexibility is not a one shot deal to be explored at the beginning of your workout. Flexibility should be practiced regularly, throughout your workout. See, there are two types of flexibility, static and dynamic. Static flexibility is the range of motion that is in a joint when it is in a certain, stationary position. Dynamic flexibility is the range of motion that is in a joint when it is moving. Once you find the secrets to ultimate flexibility, you will have more power, a higher fitness level, better relaxation, enhanced range of motion and a higher capacity to learn skilled movements. But it is a process to achieve this level of flexibility. Keep your muscles warm and you will have a greater range of motion. You can do static stretching exercises three times a week, but the dynamic stretching, the stretching that you do as you practice your art, is what will give you the most natural range of motion and flexibility. When you stretch, do it slowly and there should not be any pain. If you go too far with your stretching, you will actually lose flexibility because your muscle will contract. Warm up first and do some static stretches, holding the stretch for 15 to 60 seconds but do not bounce! If you want to put yourself out of commission, you will bounce - not cool. Do some dynamic stretching like kicking and rhythmic bouncing. These are just some of the secrets to ultimate flexibility, but they will help you get flexible and get fit.

    What you need to know before filing for bankruptcy

    Bankruptcy has become a kind of "quick fix" for debt that has gotten out of hand. Many people think it is easy to wipe the slate clean and get rid of debt by going bankrupt. It isn't that easy, however, and it should only be used as a last resort. The actual procedure for filing - the paperwork process itself - is relatively simple, but it goes beyond that. You'll need to be able to justify the reason for bankruptcy, which will open your financial history for inspection by the courts. It will also be open to objections from your creditors, who obviously have an interest in stopping you from declaring bankruptcy. There are also several long-term effects that bankruptcy can cause. Any credit cards that have balances that are wiped out by the bankruptcy will obviously be cancelled, but any other credit card accounts you have will likely be closed as well. You will find it difficult to qualify for loans for a home, car or other large purchases. If you are approved, it will likely be at interest rates that are much higher than the norm. Not all debts are cleared by filing bankruptcy, either. Student loans, outstanding tax bills (within the previous 3 years) and a number of other forms of debt will be exempt, leaving you with those payments even after going bankrupt. A bankruptcy will remain on your financial record for 10 years, during which time you will find it difficult to qualify for any kind of financing, even if you keep a perfect credit record during that time. A bankruptcy is generally viewed as a particularly bad mark on your credit score - more so than a low FICO score, late payments or other problems. There are cases where bankruptcy is the best solution, however. It will stop debt collectors from hounding you (provided they receive the proper notification), any foreclosure proceedings will be stopped and your wages can not be garnished. If credit card debt is partly to blame for being in a position of bankruptcy, there can be another hidden benefit. Because you won't be able to qualify for credit cards after a bankruptcy, you will be forced to stop spending irresponsibly since you won't have access to any credit cards. Making the decision to declare bankruptcy can be painful, but if it is inevitable, the sooner you can get it done the better. It will ease the stress of dealing with unmanageable debt, and you'll start to build a new credit history to replace the old one.

    Online education study at your own pace

    Online education is becoming increasingly popular because it allows people who may not ordinarily have the opportunity to get qualifications, to do so. Those of us who work do not have the time to commit to full time education and with bills to pay, and family to look after it becomes even more difficult to fit evening courses into an already full schedule. However, an online education means you can study at your own pace and time while still earning a reputable and useful qualification. Regardless of the area you want to study you will be able to find an online college or university that offers the qualification you are looking for. Start by looking around your local area because even online education may sometimes require personal tutoring or exams and these can’t always be done on the Internet. Once you know the course you want to study and you have applied, it’s time to start working. An online education demands a greater level of commitment and you should make sure that you always offer the commitment that is required. You will have to do all your work off your own back in order to earn the qualification you want, but this means you should have a greater sense of satisfaction when completed. Those who study through an online education facility have, in years gone by, struggled to receive the full acclamation for their efforts. However, reports show that executive and higher paid jobs invariably go to those with a degree or similar qualifications and employees now recognize the level of commitment and need for pro activity that is required to complete and online education course. You too could take advantage of this recognition while still retaining your current job. In fact, you could use your newfound qualification to get the promotion or pay rise that you feel you deserve.

    Saturday, August 27, 2016

    The power of a marketing and sales system

    : Where Do Most of Your Clients Come From? When I meet people for the first time and they understand that I'm a marketing consultant, I'm frequently asked, "Where do most of your clients come from?" Many times I believe the question is asked innocently enough. But, quite often I feel like the person asking wants to know if I have a magic answer that might work for them. Most small business owners are passionate about the services they provide - not the marketing it takes to consistently find more clients. Many service businesses will admit that they're not really sure what works best or how to get going with marketing. The result is usually a scatter gun approach. I refer to it as episodic marketing. It is characterized by a series of unfocused and hastily-planned, one-shot episodes (or campaigns). A common example is throwing together a tri-fold brochure that you can start mailing or handing out to everyone you meet, or sending out a direct mail piece to try and stir up some interest. Typically, the motivation for these marketing episodes is a slow down in business. And then when business picks up, you quickly scrap the current campaign (until the next slow down). No System, No Consistency What's missing for most small service businesses is a system to break marketing down into a series of connected small steps. A marketing system is the key to generate a consistent supply of leads and convert them into new clients. So Where Do Most of Your Clients Come From? For me, the answer is that they are coming as a result of my ABCD Growth Marketing System. The same system I'm using to help teach my clients how to get better, more consistent results from their marketing is the system I'm using to build my own business. Having a system allows me to dependably follow simple, but proven and effective processes to consistently generate leads and convert them into more business. It is not a result of one or two great ideas or strategies. It's breaking marketing and sales down into a series of connected strategies and tactics to gain attention from prospects and help them to become clients. The system helps move prospects forward that are ready to say "Yes", and lets those who are not motivated or ready to make the investment move on. Why Do You Need A System? If you don't have a marketing and sales system, you'll never be able to grow your business to its full potential. Most businesses address their primary business functions with systems. You have your billing system, accounting system, payroll system, and time management system. It's likely you have systems to manage client or project work. One primary business function that seems to go without a system is Marketing. There's a great misconception that to be an effective marketer, you need to be creative. And most small business owners will tell me that they're just not good at that. But I would contend that marketing should be more of a science (a system) than an art. That's the number one reason to have a system. Without a marketing and sales system, most service businesses end up reactively marketing when business is slow and stop when they are busy. This mindset usually lends itself to episodic marketing. With a system, you'll be better prepared to generate inquiries and convert new clients all year round. Marketing and Sales Notice that I've said you need a Marketing and Sales system. Marketing and sales are NOT the same thing, but you need a system that addresses both seamlessly. Let's just look at the important difference between marketing and sales and why they should be successfully combined in a system like my ABCD Growth Marketing System. One of the notions I hear over and over again is that Marketing is about creating name recognition or brand awareness. I would argue that these are simply welcome side-effects of marketing. When you are a small business and all of your time, energy, and money count, then what you really need is for marketing to produce a consistent stream of good quality leads. Therefore, I define marketing as the use of strategies and tactics to generate a constant supply of high-quality leads. Sales then is the process(es) you use to convert as many as possible of those high-quality leads into clients. This is why the two should be seamlessly addressed in your system. Too many businesses jump forward to selling before a potential lead is even established as a qualified prospect. Conversely, many leads go uncultivated when there's no means to explore the prospect and move them towards becoming a potential buyer. A System is The Key To Reaching Your Full Business Potential Now just imagine if you had a system to drive these vital functions in your business. A system that breaks down the marketing and sales process into smaller, more manageable, interrelated steps. Think about your own business. Where do most of your clients come from? Is it from your marketing and sales system? It should be.