Sunday, October 2, 2016

Classic tv and the commercials that entertained generations

The 1950s were arguably the golden age of television and many people of a certain age look back fondly at some of the shows of the time – “The Lone Ranger”, “I Love Lucy” and “Gunsmoke”. These shows were in black and white and were watched on a set that got its signal from a huge antenna on the roof, but they were loved just the same. Almost as compelling as the TV shows themselves, were some of the commercials of the time. TV was still a novelty during the 1950s and companies were anxious to cash in on the new craze. Particularly popular were commercials for cigarettes, cars and state of the art kitchen appliances. And the average length of TV advertisements was around a minute – compared to the 30 seconds or less today. Beer was also one of the products widely advertised on TV during the 1950s. At first, it was only late at night and never on a Sunday, so as not to offend anyone. During the early part of the decade, Blatz Beer became one of the beer industry’s biggest advertisers, partly due to the company’s sponsorship of the popular “Amos ‘n’ Andy” show. One of the most instantly recognizable characters in television advertising at the time was Mabel. Mabel was a chirpy blond waitress who appeared on screen with a tray of Carling Black Label beer. Almost every Carling commercial featured the phrase that became famous – “Hey, Mabel, Black Label!” Cigarette advertisements were commonplace during the 1950s – a big change from television today. Some of the biggest tobacco manufacturers of the time spent a lot of money trying to convince us that smoking was sophisticated and fun, including Lucky Strike, Tareyton and Winston. One famous Lucky Strike ad featured a clever combination of cartoon and live action, featuring the singer Gisele McKenzie. Tareytown had an ad that featured what appeared to be two children dancing around a giant pack of cigarettes. And who can possibly forget the Fontane Sisters singing the praises of Chesterfield cigarettes? Car manufacturers went to great lengths to advertise the latest models on television during the 1950s despite the loss of aesthetic effect on a black and white screen. The Ford Edsel was advertised at great length as the most beautiful convertible in the world, complete with such wonderful and innovative features as “teletouch” driving and air suspension. It wasn’t all just cars, beer and tobacco. Some healthier products were advertised as well. One of the most well known ads of the era was for Pepsodent toothpaste. The TV ad featured a cute cartoon couple kissing after having brushed their teeth, and the catchy and unforgettable slogan – “You’ll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent!” TV advertisements for kitchen appliances pointed out features that we now take for granted. A General Electric ad from the time for a new refrigerator consisted of a proud couple explaining the features of their sleek new fridge which included shelves that slid out, storage space behind the door and a separate freezer compartment. And some things don’t seem to have changed much over the years. Tupperware ran a series of TV ads during the 1950s which featured an exciting Tupperware evening at a typical suburban home, organized by a “hostess”. Almost as much emphasis was placed on the social aspect, as on the actual features of the product. One of the most prolific TV advertisers during the 1950s and subsequent decades was Pepsi. Their advertisements captured the feeling of the times like few others. One of the company’s earliest featured the actress and singer Polly Bergen enjoying a barn dance and a refreshing glass of Pepsi-Cola. Not to be outdone, Coca-Cola was just as prolific with their ads and came up with several memorable slogans, such as “There’s nothing like a Coke”. Coca-Cola also went after the young crowd, with an ad featuring people at diners and drive-in movie theaters and a jingle that claimed “Zing! What a feeling!” Many television viewers firmly maintain that the advertisements are just as good as the actual shows themselves! It seems as though that was especially true back in the 1950s. And if you just can’t get enough of those old commercials, you can enjoy some of them on DVD or online. ~ Ben Anton, 2008

Is there really a magic formula for investing

One question almost every investor asks at some point is whether it is possible to achieve above market returns by selecting a diversified group of stocks according to some formula, rather than having to evaluate each stock from every angle. There are obvious advantages to such a formulaic approach. For the individual, the amount of time and effort spent caring for his investments would be reduced, leaving more time for him to spend on more enjoyable and fulfilling tasks. For the institution, large sums of money could be deployed without having to rely upon the investing acumen of a single talented stock picker. Many of the proposed systems also offer the advantage of matching the inflow of investable funds with investment opportunities. An investor who follows no formula, and evaluates each stock from every angle, may often find himself holding cash. Historically, this has been a problem for some excellent stock pickers. So, there are real advantages to favoring a formulaic approach to investing if such an approach would yield returns similar to the returns a complete stock by stock analysis would yield. Many investment writers have proposed at least one such formulaic approach during their lifetime. The most promising formulaic approaches have been articulated by three men: Benjamin Graham, David Dreman, and Joel Greenblatt. As each of these approaches appeals to logic and common sense, they are not unique to these three men. But, these are the three names with which these approaches are usually most closely associated; so, there is little need to draw upon sources beyond theirs. Benjamin Graham wrote three books of consequence: “Security Analysis”, “The Intelligent Investor”, and “The Interpretation of Financial Statements”. Within each book, he hints at various workable approaches both in stocks and bonds; however, he is most explicit in his best known work, “The Intelligent Investor”. There, Graham discusses the purchase of shares for less than two – thirds of their net current asset value. The belief that this method would yield above market returns is supported on both empirical and logical grounds. In fact, it currently enjoys far too much support to be practicable. Public companies rarely trade below their net current asset values. This is unlikely to change in the future. Buyout firms, unconventional money managers, and vulture investors now check such excessive bouts of public pessimism by taking large or controlling stakes in troubled companies. As a result, the investing public is less likely to indulge its pessimism as feverishly as it once did; for, many cheap stocks now have the silver lining of being takeover targets. As Graham’s net current asset value method is neither workable at present, nor is likely to prove workable in the future, we must set it aside. David Dreman is known as a contrarian investor. In his case, it is an appropriate label, because of his keen interest in behavioral finance. However, in most cases the line separating the value investor from the contrarian investor is fuzzy at best. Dreman’s contrarian investing strategies are derived from three measures: price to earnings, price to cash flow, and price to book value. Of these measures, the price to earnings ratio is by far the most conspicuous. It is quoted nearly everywhere the share price is quoted. When inverted, the price to earnings ratio becomes the earnings yield. To put this another way, a stock’s earnings yield is “e” over “p”. Dreman describes the strategy of buying stocks trading at low prices relative to their earnings as the low P/E approach; but, he could have just as easily called it the high earnings yield approach. Whatever you call it, this approach has proved effective in the past. A diversified group of low P/E stocks has usually outperformed both a diversified group of high P/E stocks and the market as a whole. This fact suggests that investors have a very hard time quantifying the future prospects of most public companies. While they may be able to make correct qualitative comparisons between businesses, they have trouble assigning a price to these qualitative differences. This does not come as a surprise to anyone with much knowledge of human judgment (and misjudgment). I am sure there is some technical term for this deficiency, but I know it only as “checklist syndrome”. Within any mental model, one must both describe the variables and assign weights to these variables. Humans tend to have little difficulty describing the variables – that is, creating the checklist. However, they rarely have any clue as to the weight that ought to be given to each variable. This is why you will sometimes hear analysts say something like: the factor that tipped the balance in favor of online sales this holiday season was high gas prices (yes, this is an actual paraphrase; but, I won’t attribute it, because publicly attaching such an inane argument to anyone’s name is just cruel). It is true that avoiding paying high prices at the pump is a possible motivating factor in a shopper’s decision to make online Christmas purchases. However, it is an immaterial factor. It is a mere pebble on the scales. This is the same kind of thinking that places far too much value on a stock’s future earnings growth and far too little value on a stock’s current earnings. The other two contrarian methods: the low price to cash flow approach and the low price to book value approach work for the same reasons. They exploit the natural human tendency to see a false equality in the factors, and to run down a checklist. For instance, a stock that has a triple digit price to cash flow ratio, but is in all other respects an extraordinary business, will be judged favorably by a checklist approach. However, if great weight is assigned to present cash flows relative to the stock price, the stock will be judged unfavorably. This also illustrates the second strength of the three contrarian methods. They heavily weight the known factors. Of course, they do not heavily weight all known factors. They only consider three easily quantifiable known factors. An excellent brand, a growing industry, a superb management team, etc. may also be known factors. However, they are not precisely quantifiable. I would argue that while these factors may not be quantifiable they are calculable; that is to say, while no exact value may be assigned to them, they are useful data that ought to be considered when evaluating an investment. There is the possibility of a middle ground here. These three contrarian methods may be used as a screen. Then, the investor may apply his own active judgment to winnow the qualifying stocks down to a final portfolio. Personally, I do not believe this is an acceptable compromise. These three methods do not adequately model the diversity of great investments. Therefore, they must either exclude some of the best stocks or include too many of the worst stocks. It is wise to place great weight upon each of these measures; however, it is foolish disqualify any stock because of a single criterion (which is exactly what such a screen does). Finally, there is Joel Greenblatt’s “magic formula”. This is the most interesting formulaic approach to investing, both because it does not subject stocks to any true/false tests and because it is a composite of the two most important readily quantifiable measures a stock has: earnings yield and return on capital. As you will recall, earnings yield is simply the inverse of the P/E ratio; so, a stock with a high earnings yield is simply a low P/E stock. Return on capital may be thought of as the number of pennies earned for each dollar invested in the business. The exact formula that Greenblatt uses is described in “The Little Book That Beats the Market”. However, the formula used is rather unimportant. Over large groups of stocks (which is what Greenblatt suggests the magic formula be used on) any differences between the various return on capital formulae will not have much affect on the performance of the portfolios constructed. Greenblatt claims his magic formula may be used in two different ways: as an automated portfolio generation tool or as a screen. For an investor like you (that is, one with sufficient curiosity and commitment to frequent a site such as this) the latter use is the more appropriate one. The magic formula will serve you well as a screen. I would argue, however, that you needn’t limit yourself to stocks screened by the magic formula, if you have full confidence in your judgment regarding some other stock. These four formulaic approaches (the three from Dreman and the one from Greenblatt) will likely yield returns greater than or equal to the returns you would obtain from an index fund. Therefore, you would do better to invest in your own basket of qualifying stocks than in the prefabricated market basket. If you want to be a passive investor, or believe yourself incapable of being an active investor, these formulaic approaches are your best bet. In fact, if I were approached by an institution making long – term investments and using only a very small percentage of the fund for operating expenses, I would recommend an automated process derived from these four approaches. I would also recommend that 100% of the fund’s investable assets be put into equities, but that is a discussion for another day (in fact, it’s a discussion for Tuesday; my next podcast is devoted to the dangers of diversification). If, however, you believe you have what it takes to be an active investor, and that is truly what you wish to be, then, I would suggest you do not use these approaches for anything more than helping you generate some useful ideas. If you choose this path, you need to be clear about what being an active investor entails. Read this next part very carefully (it is correct even though it may not appear to be): I have never found a screen that generates more than one buy order per hundred stocks returned. Even after I have narrowed the list of possible stocks down by a cursory review of the industry and the business itself, I have never found a method that can consistently generate more than one buy order per twenty – five annual reports read. Here, I am citing my best past experiences. In my experience, most screens result in less than one buy order per three hundred stocks returned, and I usually read more like fifty to a hundred annual reports per buy order at a minimum. You may choose to invest in far more stocks than I do. Perhaps instead of limiting yourself to your five to twelve best ideas as I do, you might want to put money into your best twenty – five to thirty ideas. Do the math, and you’ll see that is still quite a bit of homework. That’s why remaining a passive investor is the best bet for most people. The time and effort demanded of the active investor is simply too taxing. They have more important, more enjoyable things to do. If that’s true for you, the four formulaic approaches outlined above should guide you to above market returns.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Golda s stories of the holocaust

The True Stories of a Holocaust Survivor who Survived Six Years in the Concentration Camps. Golda Sandman was born in the small city of Strachovitsa in south Poland. At the beginning of World War II she was a girl age eighteen. After the occupation by the Germans she was sent from the ghetto to a work camp in the city. Later she was sent to Auschwitz Birkenau and from there to Bergen-Belzen. She spent totally six years in concentration camps. After the war ended she went to Sweden, and from there immigrated to the Land of Israel in illegal immigrants' ship. After hard years of absorption she established a family. Golda's Stories has a plot which sounds unbelievable. She decided not to surrender to evil and survived under the harshest terms. She dealt with illegal commerce and smuggling, endangered her life many times to save people, and acted intuitively opposite death many times. Her physical and mental sufferings were unprecedented. She survived the death camps barely alive and gained her health again. She triumphed to bestow her memoirs to the next generations, in memory of the heroism of the Jews that perished in the holocaust. The book defines new borders of humanity, femininity and heroism, which reach in it heights that were considered impossible up to here. Although it's a personal memory, the book can serve as an accurate, comprehensive presentation of the whole era, because the stories extend from the 1930th to the 1950th. The son of Golda, Avinoam, recorded her memoirs in 1978, during several months in which she told him every day one story or two. Although very plain, the stories were incomprehensible in their intensity. Over the years he tried strenuously to reach a perspective which will enable him to edit and publish them. Avinoam described his spiritual journey in his book: The Little Prince Lands. Golda's Stories is written as his mother told, in first body. From reading the book, it seems at times that the flow of the stories is easy. A mother tells her child some stories. The content cancels the easy impression. This is just as in fairy tales, where the naпve style is confronted with the amazing plot and we are forced to think of a meaning above and behind the simple story. Some chapters are available for reading in the Internet.

Type one diabetes

Type one diabetes is far less common than type two diabetes and it will affect younger individuals. It is most found in people under the age of 40 and mostly under the age of fourteen. There are people who have been diagnosed with it after forty but it is very rare. Diabetes is a serious issues and type one is the worst. It is associated with the lack of insulin. It is a dysfunction of the pancreas where it will just stop making insulin in the amount the body needs to maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood. Many people who have type one diabetes will have symptoms of hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is where your glucose is too high in the blood. Meaning your blood sugar is too high. The common symptoms of hyperglycemia or diabetes type one is frequent hunger, frequent urinating, and frequent thirst. You will also experience blurred vision, fatigue, weight loss, your healing power will be low (meaning it will take you a long time to heal a wound or cut), dry mouth, dry or itchy skin, and you could have impotence for males. Your immune system will become weak and you will be able to pick up infection easily. The reason why you are always hungry is because your body can not use glucose as an energy source. It is also, why you tire out easily. Since the body can not absorb sugar or glucose into the blood cells you will release it through frequent trips to the bathroom. Since you make many trips a day to the bathroom, your body realizes that it is losing excess water and that’s why you will become thirsty. When it comes to the symptoms, you may experience them all together or it may take some time for your body to go through the process. Most likely though it will be gradual. The changes of developing type one diabetes is 3.7 to 20 per 100, 000. Over 700,000 Americans have type one diabetes, which adds up to be about ten percent of the total population that has the disorder. It is more common to have type two diabetes. The reason why people develop the disorder is because an autoimmune disorder. The body will start to see it’s own tissue as a foreign object and then it destroys the body’s ability to make insulin. It has been rumored to be a cause from the mumps, rubella, measles, influenza, polio, or other viruses. That’s why it is very common in young children because those epidemics affect younger children more often than older adults. Diabetes is also genetic. You may simply have the disorder because an immediate family member has it. As for treatment, type one involves injections of insulin. It is absorbed in the blood stream and absorbed by the cells that need insulin and it will then control the levels of sugar in the blood. You can find more information on all-about-diabetes-symptom/

Butea superba works normal male well most erectile dysfunction male

Like a child who has discovered a new toy, this information will open up a whole new world of awe and wonder for you. Butea Superba is Thailand's common species and was worn as traditional medicine for boost and rejuvenile for a long time in Thailand. It is a big creeper grown in association with the trees. The long underground tuberous root accumulate many phyto chemicals that are very benefit to being health. Chemical properties; the fallout from the lessons of researchers and academics confirmed that these chemicals are non-mutagenic and could induce vasodilatation especially at the penis with very similar answer as did by Viagra but smoothly and therefore elevate its erectile performance. Before we go an further, lets take a moment to review what we have learned so far about this amazing subject. Works in normal male as well as most of the Erectile Dysfunction male. While the commercial Erectile Dysfunction-treated drug is a great interested upshot despite its sober adverse prompt which some are connected to death, a herbal upshot such as Butea superba with soft but protected action should be an alternative. Researchers and academics had found that Butea superba goods could be in both forms, consume upshot such as a strength food upshot and a topical application upshot such as a gel makeup product. Specific skin tending for Men, available in the form of gel for exclusive area application. Vitro Butea Gel is made from Butea Superba. This upshot is ultimate for enlarging the testis artery, enhances better penis erection and prolongs its firmness. All Skin Type Ingredients: Butea Superbe and other herb extracts Direction: Use once in the morning and in the night. utilize onto the penis area track by 3-5 gentle massage. Precaution: pause applying immediately it rash occur, suffusion out with plenty of water. If you have found our database of information on this subject useful, read some of our other topics as well. butea-superba. net/

Let s take a look back in time to see how the computer has evolved

In many ways, man has been using computers for millennia: an abacus is, after all, simply a very basic form of computer. The first mechanical calculator (the ‘calculating clock’) was built in the 17th century. Programming with punch-cards has been around for about 200 years now. It was in the 1940s, however, that the first electronic, digital computers started to appear – that is, computers as we know them today. These computers were massive machines, filling a large room (in some cases, a whole building) and yet having less computing power than a simple calculator does today. Reprogramming them often required extensive amounts of physical rewiring, as the only way the computer knew what to do was by how it was connected together. Still, these computers were helpful in the war effort – most famously, the British code-breaking computers at Bletchley Park that broke the Germans’ code is widely thought to have shortened the war by years. Fast forward to the ‘60s. This was when wires and tubes were replaced with the transistor – an overnight leap forward in technology that reduced computers’ size to an amazing degree, replacing the hefty vacuum tubes that somewhat like those still used in CRT TVs and microwavesbined with the invention of semiconductor integration circuits, by the ‘70s, it was possible to make personal computers small enough for people to have in their homes. This is generally regarded as being the beginning of the ‘computer age’, as the popularity of home computers quickly drove prices down and made them very affordableputer companies sprung up left, right and centre, hoping to carve themselves a piece of this exploding market. The result was chaos and buyer confusion, and few of them survive today. However, the stage was set for a huge computer battle that led to the machines we know and love today.

Medical tests. info

If you have teenage children, or young friends, or vulnerable partners, you may worry about them being exposed to illicit drug taking. Drug testing serves two purposes: it allows interested and legally allowed parties to perform tests on certain people who might have used drug of abuse, and it allows those under suspicion to clear their names. Alcohol tests Whether we like it, or not, alcohol is part of human lives. There are many false statements about the benefits, or otherwise of alcohol in many countries and societies. Monitoring devices Time has become one of the more precious commodities in modern world. We want to use this time conveniently and comfortably, and if possible, in the relaxed surroundings of our homes. Forensic tests The Forensic testing devices uses the most advanced methods for analyzing specimens. DNA Identification, Explosives Detection, or Surface Drug Test Kits will be helpful for all your forensic needs. Ovulation tests There is a hormone called LH (Luteinizing hormone), which is always present in the body in small quantity but surges around the middle of the menstrual cycle when it is released by the pituary gland in a bigger quantity than at any other time in the menstrual cycle.

Weight training for golf in your own home

Weight training for golf is viewed by golfers as a lot of work, time-consuming, boring and you need a gym membership to do it. None of the above is true, and if you read this article, I’ll explain why. You see…weight training for golf isn’t on machines anyways…so that eliminates the requirement of a gym. It’s not a lot of work, if you pick and choose the area you want to focus on. It’s not time-consuming if you do it in the convenience of your home, and have a plan of action. And lastly, it can be a lot of fun, when you use bands, exercise balls and training equipment specific to golf. There many “so-called” weight training for golf programs, but when you take a look at them, you’ll see pictures of golfers sitting on their butts in a machine. I don’t know about you, but I think golf is done “on your feet”, right? Weight training for golf is close to becoming “mainstream” with the golfing community. We see and hear all the pros doing it and playing their best golf; so why wouldn’t we amateurs do it also? There are so many reasons why to participate in a weight training for golf program, that you can’t overlook it and say you don’t need it. Lacking power in your swing? It’s because your body can’t produce any stored energy from a full backswing with torque in your core. That’s a ‘physical’ issue, not mechanical. Is your golf swing inconsistent from one swing to the next? Swing faults originate from some deeper physical limitation that’s not allowing you to make a mechanically sound and repeatable swing. How many times have you taken a lesson and heard your pro say, “you need to make a full backswing”, but you just can’t physically do it? That’s a ‘physical’ issue, not mechanical. How about injuries? Do you have one at the moment? The golf swing is physically damaging to the body if you don’t have enough strength and flexibility to withstand the force the golf swing puts on it. Swinging a 3 foot long lever (club) at up to 90 mph is unbelievably stressful on the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles of the body. That’s a ‘physical’ issue, not mechanical. I could go on and on, but I think you might get the idea by now. Weight training for golf may be your “missing link” to your best game ever! If you’ve tried all the ‘other’ methods, this is the ONLY one left. Why wouldn’t you explore the possibilities a little more? If you’re looking to add power to your golf swing; improve your consistency; and prevent golf injuries, then you’ve got to consider weight training for golf.

Finding custom horse equipment

There are many different types of horse supplies and equipment that can be purchased for a number of reasons and uses. When you go to make your purchased, you will be faced with a wide variety of options, so knowing what you need before hand is very important. This can be especially relevant if you are planning to spend a lot of money on your horse equipment, and it can definitely turn quite costly. Still, even with all the options available to you, you may find yourself wishing to purchase horse supplies and equipment that will meet your vast equine needs, and this is where custom horse equipment can serve you well. Whether you are planning to ride your horse on your own property, on frequent trail rides, or enter the beautiful creature in horse shows, you will need many different supplies. There are a variety of companies that will customize this equipment just to fit your needs. They may also be good resources from which to seek advice if you are unsure of your exact equipment needs. For example, if you are planning to ride your horse often, you will want to be sure you have the right saddle. Your saddle should be comfortable for both you and the horse, and there are many different types from which to choose. If you are a new horse owner, it would probably be a good idea to read as much information as you can about owning a caring for a horse, as well as riding it. You may also consider joining a local trail riders' organization if you plan to mingle with other horse lovers. There, you will find beginners as well as advanced riders, along with people who have raised horses for a good number of years. If you are seeking customized horse equipment, the first place you should check in your particular area. It may be better to do this, especially at first, so that your needs can be more easily met without having to keep sending equipment back if it doesn't meet your specifications. This also gives you an opportunity to get advice right there on the spot, and can also help those customizing your equipment to get to know you and your horse better. Once you have become a more experienced rider, and know what you need in terms of equipment, there are many online companies who specialize in customized horse equipment. There, you will find an array of bits, saddles, bridals and so much more, and can easily prepare you and your horse for a horse show. You will find everything you need right at your fingertips.

Aids to quit smoking

As a fact, there are quite a number of ways available to help you quit smoking. Each method has a different effect on everybody. While one method works for one person, it may not work on another. Here are a few popular methods to help you: Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Nicotine is a very addictive drug and for a person who has had developed a dependence to it, it really is very difficult for one to withdraw this very familiar drug from his system. To somehow control the physical withdrawal symptoms, there is a need for a steady dose of nicotine for the body. NRT includes lozenges, patches, gums and inhalers that take the form of a cigarette. False Cigarettes Your body may be anxious on the fact of not being able to hold on to a cigarette anymore when you started to quit smoking. This "therapy" substitutes the action or the physical sensation of having to hold onto a cigarette without having to take in all the chemicals involved in smoking. Eye Openers These may involve events that could cause a smoker to decide to be a non-smoker. For some people a certain form of shock will open their eyes on the odds of smoking and would cause them to finally quit smoking. These eye openers could be the information he may have gained about some smoking related illness such as cancer or it may be the loss of a close friend or a family member. Either way it allows the smoker to think of his own mortality and fragility and be conscious about his lifestyle. He may then decide to live a healthier life. But these eye openers could work for a while. There is a possibility that the fears he once had on smoking would eventually subside and the once non-smoker would once again feel comfortable with smoking. Zyban (or Bupropion) This is a prescribed antidepressant drug that helps the brain fight those nicotine-craving chemicals in the body. There may be also side effects to the body so it is important that one should consult a general physician before taking in the drug. Acupuncture This is an ancient Chinese form of medication which involves inserting thin needles into various yet specific acupuncture points of the body. This kind of quit smoking program should result to reduced urges and controlled levels of withdrawal symptoms. Meditation This involves deep breathing exercises and guided imagery to calm the senses and promote a sense of inner serenity and well-being. One form of meditation would involve a repetition of a chant or mantra while another would just involve emptying one's thoughts. This method is useful as it could help you relax and calm yourself especially when one is experiencing certain withdrawal symptoms. Hypnotherapy One not only has to convince his conscious mind to quit smoking. He/she also has to work with the subconscious, which is also believed to be the stronger part of the mind. This method of using suggestions can be learned or self-taught. One could use relaxation tapes or techniques to help calm your mind and free it from any worries. Though there may be numerous methods available, the most important asset one could have is the will power to quit and stay quit.

Taking a new look at annuities

A growing number of individuals looking for new sources of retirement income are considering annuities. An annuity is a type of contract between a private individual and a financial services or life insurance company. The individual pays a sum of money that is invested and in return the company makes periodic payments to the individual as specified in the contract. Annuity earnings are tax deferred, which means federal income taxes on gains are not payed until funds are withdrawn. Most annuities allow you to contribute additional money at any time. The Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA) suggests you consider some key questions if you are thinking of purchasing an annuity: Is the annuity I'm considering the right one for me? Be sure you understand what you're buying. Review the product and consider whether it is the most appropriate for your age, personal financial needs and objectives and risk tolerance. Will you need the money you're spending on this annuity in the next few years? Annuities are designed for the long term. If you decide to withdraw the money in the next few years, you may be subject to fees or penalties. What will I gain-or lose-by exchanging one annuity for another? Carefully compare your old product with the new one. Are the benefits the same? Is there a surrender charge for the switch? Will there be new surrender periods? When choosing an insurance company, make sure the company is reputable. A good place to start is to look for the IMSA logo. Only insurance companies that have proven through extensive independent review that they adhere to IMSA's stringent Principles and Code of Ethical Market Conduct may display this logo.

Project management winning the project

The big day has arrived, the day on which your customer decides which of the competing bidders has won his new project. As the Project Manager, you may or may not be the first to hear the news. Customers work differently. Sometimes a member of the customer’s staff, or more than one, will “whisper” the news to his opposite number in the bidding company and sometimes full protocol will be observed, with a formal communication being sent from the customer’s Contracts Manager to your Commercial Manager. Either way, the Project Manager will be one of the first to hear the good news that your bid was considered to be the best and that the job now starts in earnest. Bearing in mind that a large part of the Project Manager’s job is man management, one of your first duties should be to arrange a celebration for all the people who worked on the bid. This sign of appreciation will do wonders for staff morale and will ensure that you have a willing team. Depending on the value of the project, this celebration might be a beer in the pub or a full blown lunch. Don’t forget to include everyone or this will have the opposite to the desired effect. When having your celebration, use the opportunity to praise past efforts and lay out future expectations. At this early stage, your other major task will be to ensure that someone is arranging your office accommodation. If you work for a large company which likes to co-locate its project personnel, you will need to make sure that someone is taking care of space, storage and communications so that your staff can quickly settle down and devote themselves to making the project a success. After the celebration (the same day might not be such a good idea), call your first project meeting for your senior team members. At this stage, it is unlikely that your company will actually have signed the contract for this project so before that happens, more work is necessary. Your team will need to again review the customer’s documentation to ensure that they still say the same as they did when you responded to the bid. It’s not unheard of for a customer to try and sneak in a few extra requirements when they think you’re not looking. You will also need to make sure that your responses to both the Invitation to Tender and any subsequent questions have been included in the new documentation and that the price, payment plan, technical solution and everything else, have been acknowledged. As long as all the documentation is in order, it is normal practice to go ahead with the project, even without the benefit of a signed contract. Often, the customer will have sent a formal Instruction to Proceed agreeing basics such as the price. You will probably need this to get project funding signed off by the senior financial people in your organisation, enabling you to get on with the job…. and that’s where the next article will take us.

Things to do in orange county

Orange County, California is a great place to visit. There may be no better place in the country to go than Orange County. If you will be lucky enough to be visiting Orange County you should read this short article which will give you some great attractions to visit in this area. There are numerous attractions to visit in the Orange County area. Too many to list in any one article because it would literally take a book. I can however give you some of the highlights. Attractions that you should seriously consider adding to your must see list. The first such attraction is Legoland California. This theme park has over fifty different rides along with shows and attractions. It is a great attraction for kids and adults. For more information call 760-918-LEGO. Another great place to go is the Pirate's Dinner Adventure. Here you can have a swashbuckling good time. You will be treated to a show of swordplay, aerial art, cannons, comedy and even a pyrotechnic show. All of this will be yours aboard a replica of a Spanish Galleon ship. For more information on this attraction call 866-439-2469. Yet another attraction that is a must see is Knott's Berry Farm. This is a famous attraction with over one hundred rides and different attractions. Some of the attractions include the Silver Bullet Coaster and Ghost Rider. For information on visiting Knott's Berry Farm call 714-220-5200. This just scratches the surface of what is available. You could also visit Captain Dave's Dolphin Safari (949-488-2828), the Orange County Zoo (714-973-6847, Sea World (800-25-SHAMU) or one of over dozens of other attractions. As you can see, there is much to do in Orange County, California. So much in fact that you should plan your trip out in advance to make the most of it. So take some time, make some plans and have a great time visiting the Orange County area.

Curing cyber sex infidelity

Studies show that about 60% of married men cheat at least once in their marriage and about 40% of women are unfaithful, too. Both men and women are very capable of being unfaithful in marriage even though society perceives men to be the sex that cheats; this stereotype is not true, though - both men and women are unfaithful in marriage. Some psychologists even predict that the number of women who are unfaithful in marriage is far higher. Reasons given are that women are not as prone to being caught and men are more honest about it when confronted. So, what really causes a spouse to become unfaithful? Although unknown for sure, it is safe to say that ever since we have had marriage, we have also had adultery. It is not a likely thing to want to admit but adultery dates back to biblical times. For example, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives and spoke about a woman who had sex without marriage. Adultery was then punishable by stoning to death. Jesus told the accusers, "Let the person without sin throw the first stone." Since the discovery of social networking sites, dating sites and chat rooms, being unfaithful in marriage - especially through the Internet - has skyrocketed despite Biblical admonitions against it. Such websites as The Ashley Madison Agency have even turned to making a profit from those who become unfaithful in their marriage. The website is solely designed for those married spouses who are seeking to become unfaithful in their marriage. Consider this fact reported last year at a convention of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers: Two-thirds of attorneys surveyed said the Internet played a significant role in the termination of marriage in the prior 12 months with excessive interest in online porn contributing to more than half of such cases. As discussed below, many of these instances were uncovered through spy software. Interestingly enough, this subject has also spawned a new type of software - spy software. Spy software is not spyware! Since it is becoming increasingly difficult to find out whether your spouse has been, or is being, unfaithful, especially through the secrecy of the web, "significant others" use spy software more and more to uncover the truth about their relationships. Marriage partners are employing spy software to check on the spouse they are suspicious about through the computer. Studies show most of the time a spouse will begin unfaithfulness on the family computer and that is why spy software is so potent! The difficulty arises when a spouse starts using a business computer or laptop to abandon their marriage. There is plenty of software on the market for this though, but one brand of spy software that surpasses all of the competition is that of Awareness Technologies of Marina del Rey, California. The key to spy software is to choose one that monitor's everything your spouse does. The Awareness spy software uniquely monitors Instant Messages, email, desktop activity, websites, and even logs all keystrokes. Spy software is easy to install and in the case of WebWatcher or SONAR, easy to monitor. Suspecting that your spouse is cheating is a feeling that you do not want to admit, but it is also something that you do not want to disregard, either. Marriage is based on trust and loyalty and while you may only suspect that your spouse is being unfaithful, you have to trust your instincts and verify it with products such as Awareness Technologies' spy software - if for no other reason than to maintain your sanity.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ski resorts in france

The ski resorts of Les Arcs and La Plagne in France is surrounded by spectacular mountain ranges and both ski resorts attract phenomenal amount of skiing enthusiasts on vacation in France and Europe. La Plagne is like a space city, with its own suburban satellites and at least 2.5 million so called 'skier days' and is arguably the single most visited ski resort in the world along with its link to neighboring Les Arcs ski resort. With so many visitors to La Plagne and Les Arcs, it follows that there are many hotels and accommodations to cater to the skiers and tourists alike. La Plagne, is a 'third generation' French ski resort and it probably influenced other French resorts like Flaine, Avoriaz and Les Arcs to go for brave new world space age architecture abandoning the traditional charming rustic designs of ski resort architecture. Skiing in La Plagne, you will encounter every conceivable permutation of piste and off piste, from exhilarating descents on the huge sweeping glacier at Bellecote (3,000m or almost 10,000ft), to delightful cruising down quiet, meandering, larch lined avenues to the charming villages of Montchavin-Les Coches, Champagny-en-Vanoise and Montalbert. In between these two extremes is La Plagne's biggest attraction for intermediate skiers anxious to cruise till they drop in the seemingly endless wide open skiing adventure. Having extended its empire to 10 different ski villages, La Plagne is planning to send a tentacle across the valley between Montchavin and Peisy Vallandry to form what will arguably be the third ski domain in the world. Les Arcs, whose connection by Eurostar train terminal at Bourg St. Maurice makes it the most accessible high-altitude French resort and has always been at the cutting edge of skiing and snow boarding. It pioneered 'ski evolutif', a technique for fast learning by progressing quickly from very short skis to longer ones. It became the principle home of the Kilometre Lancee in which daredevils on huge 237cm or 8 ft skis, clad in thin aerodynamic plastic suits and 'Darth Vader Star Wars' style visors, speed down a special track at breathtaking speeds of about 240kph or 150mph. Similar to La Plagne, Les Arcs has acres and acres of good cruising and its off piste opportunities are simply fabulous. The Aiguille Rouge, which dominates the resort has many challenging runs down its front face and is also the starting point for one of the longest skiing descents in the French Alps. The largely black run down to the charming village of Villaroger is over 16km or about 10 miles long. Can you beat that! With such wonderful skiing opportunities, is it any wonder why La Plagne and Les Arcs ski resorts claim to attract the most holiday vacation skiers not just in France but in the world as well?

Jeremy mcgrath a championship supercross racer

Jeremy McGrath: A Championship Supercross Racer Jeremy McGrath; there is a good chance that you have heard that name before. Jeremy McGrath is a California born man, who is most well-known for his supercross motorcycle racing skills. In fact, he is commonly referred to as the “King of Supercross.” Jeremy McGrath is most well known to those in the supercross motorcycle racing community, but his name and fame is so wide spread that you have likely heard of him before, even if you are not a supercross motorcycle racing fan. Although Jeremy McGrath accomplished a lot with supercross racing, he is, perhaps, most well-known for his rookie season. He was the first rookie racer to win the 250cc Supercross Championship. That win can in 1993. However, his rookie year was just the beginning. Jeremy McGrath went on to set even more records. He, currently, is known as having the most wins at supercross events, namely the main events. Like many racers, including supercross motorcycle riders, Jeremy McGrath has made a number of career moves. Those moves had a focus on his teams. When McGrath started in supercross motorcycle racing, he was with Team Suzuki. After a while, he decided to switch to Team Honda. Like his fellow supercross competitor, Ricky Carmichael, this move was widely criticized by many, including his fans. It is a wonder if his fans saw what would be coming in the future. After a hard year, Jeremy McGrath made the switch to Team Yamaha. That team switch came in 1998. The switch to Yamaha racing proved lucky, unlike his highly publicized move to Suzuki in 1997, it proved to be a good move. In fact, Jeremy McGrath later went on to with the Supercross Championship in 1998. The same year that he started with Yamaha. Not long after that, McGrath made a bold career move. He agreed, with Yamaha, to only race at supercross motorcycle racing events, instead of competing in motocross events as well. This allowed him to focus solely on his supercross racing career, which in turn lead to even more wins. However, in 2003, Jeremy McGrath made the decision to retire from supercross motorcycle racing. Although McGrath chose to retire from supercross motorcycle racing, in 2003, it appeared as if he just couldn’t let the sport go. He later returned in 2005. His return caused excitement in the hearts of many fans; however, his return was only on a limited basis. When he did return, he returned with his old team. That team was Team Honda. Despite the fact that the results were not the same as he had seen in the past, they were pretty good. In fact, considering his age and all of the injuries that he had suffered, in the past, the results could easily even be considered great. Despite recently coming out of retirement, in 2005, Jeremy McGrath has stated that 2006 will bring him to his last professional race. In fact, that last race is centered on him. Honda, Jeremy McGrath, and their other sponsors have worked to create the Jeremy McGrath Invitational. This event is highly anticipated as it will take place in the sport’s off-season. It is also expected to be a big event because the payout, otherwise known as a purse, is $500,000, the largest cash purse, ever, in supercross motorcycle racing. If you are unable to make it to Carson, California on October 6th and 7th of 2006, do not worry. The race will be broadcasted at a later date. Word Count 579

Dogs are man s best friend

Dogs are believed to be descendants of wild wolves. They were the first wild animal to be tamed. Ancient man probably brought home cub wolves to raise as pets. The pet wolves were also useful in driving away bears and other wild animals. One of the oldest known breed of dogs is the Salukis, which were bred by Egyptians thousands of years ago as hunting dogs. Greyhounds and Dalmatians are also among the oldest breeds documented. Over the centuries, people have found many ways for dogs to be useful. Dogs helped to pull loads, herd cattle and sheep, and guard their master and the master’s property. The Ancient Greeks developed tiny lap dogs, which were meant to be held in a lady’s lap to help keep her stomach warm. Bulldogs with huge jaws and short noses were developed so they could hang onto the throat of a bull and still be able to breathe. In more recent years, dogs have been trained as seeing eye dogs for the blind. Dogs have also been recruited to work with law enforcement to detect drugs and explosives. Today many dogs, such as the Poodle or Chihuahua, no longer resemble the wolf. Other dogs, such as the Siberian Husky and the German Shepherd still show a strong resemblance to the wolf. There are many different breeds in existence today, from the short haired Beagle and Boston Terrier to the long haired Cockers and Scotties. The Beagle may be better suited to live in the city, while Setters or Collies may be more comfortable in the country. The tallest dogs are Great Danes and the Irish Wolfhound. They would probably be more comfortable in a place where they had a lot of room to run and play. In the United States, one out of three families owns one or more dogs. Most dogs live anywhere from eight to fifteen years. When dogs are one year old, they are as physically mature as a 15 year old human. Dogs can see some color but not as vividly as humans, thus they are considered color blind. Yet, dogs can see much better in dim light than us. Dogs have us beat in the category of smell, also. Their sense of smell is up to one million times greater than humans! Regardless of which kind of dog you choose - big, little, smooth haired, shaggy, fast, slow, playful or dignified, dogs make wonderful companions. Enjoy their companionship and remember they need plenty of love, attention, and petting to be happy!

Visit puerto vallarta

The best benefit of my job as a journalist is that I often get to travel to write for magazines and travel websites. I love nothing more than packing a suitcase and heading off to somewhere unknown with the goal being to explore and learn about the location and the culture. In the past year, I have traveled to a fair number of places, but none have matched the beauty of Puerto Vallarta. If you have ever been to Puerto Vallarta, then you know the beauty that I am talking about. There is nothing that compares to the white sand beaches and the crystal clear blue - green waters of Puerto Vallarta. It was a pleasure to go there and write about reasons why travelers would enjoy vacationing there. So, let me share with you some great reasons to visit Puerto Vallarta. First is the reason that I mentioned before: the sheer beauty of the place. If you are anything like me, then you are hugely affected by the look and feel of whatever environment you are in. When I am surrounded by amazing beauty my entire perspective changes. I loved visiting Puerto Vallarta for the simple fact that I felt better about life when I was there. If you're looking for a great place to gain some perspective and to do some deep thinking, then look no further than the beaches of Puerto Vallarta. Another thing I was surprised to find in Puerto Vallarta was a great mixture of places filled with people and places where I could enjoy solitude. That flexibility of environment is an element that I need in a vacation but can rarely find. I love knowing that I can head to a crowded beach or that I can find a more isolated beach if I so choose. So whether you are looking for a crowded and crazy trip or if you are looking for a place of escape, Puerto Vallarta can be a great place to stay. Puerto Vallarta offers a ton of things to do. This can be important on a vacation. Sometimes laying on a beach all day is the way you need to unwind, but other times it is nice to have some nearby and reasonable activities to choose from. If you are looking into vacationing in Puerto Vallarta, the best value is to stay at an all-inclusive resort. This will include your room, meals and often various activities as well. Start planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta today. You'll never regret it.

Depression help[1]

Helping Yourself with Depression Help If you're currently feeling so out of it, totally out of your normal system and just basically hating and ignoring almost, always everything and anyone that comes along, try to get yourself checked by a psychiatrist because you those little mood swings and erratic Ally McBeal-ish behavior that you're trying to ignore for some long may actually be symptoms of depression. Act fast because if you do, it'll certainly be a lot harder for you to be able to have yourself cured from this illness, especially once self-delusion starts to kick in. Actually start by hauling your depressed ass into the hospital and get yourself diagnosed by a reputable psychiatrist, one that'll actually help you with your depression concerns, answer all the possible questions that you may have when it comes to depression as well as provide you with the best available to depression treatment that'll make you give yourself some good-old, yet extremly effective depression help. All it needs is the right attitude. After actually being honest with yourself when it comes to actually being a patient who is suffering from depression, quit turning youself into a victim and find out from these various types of depression the actual one that you're suffering from: Manic or Bipolar depression - characterized by sudden and extreme changes in one's mood wherein one minute he or she is in an elevated state of euphoria while the next minute (day or week) he or she is feeling to be in a personal hell, Postpartum depression - characterized by a prolonged sadness and a feeling of emptiness by a new mother wherein physical stress during child birth, an uncertain sense of responsibility towards the new born baby can be just some of the possible factors why some new mother go through this, Dysthimia - characterized by a slight similarity with depression, although this time, it's been proven to be a lot less severe, but of course with any case, should be treated immediately, Cyclothemia - characterized by a slight similarity with Manic or Bipolar depression wherein the individual suffering from this mental illness may occasionally suffer from severe changes in one's moods, Seasonal Affective Disorder - characterized by falling in a rut only during specific seasons (i. e. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall) studies however, prove that more people actually fall in to a rut more during the Winter and Fall seasons and lastly, Mood swings, wherein a person's mood may shift from happy to sad to angry in just a short time. But in spite of how scary or how daunting a task is the road towards a sound mental health is, depression help abounds and is just up to you if you’re willing to take in some of that depression help, may it be from your family, friends, support group and mainly starting from yourself, there really is a lot of depression help to go around. The old adage, slowly but surely greatly applies in trying to treat depression, as the patient continues taking the prescribed medicines for his/her depression treatment, as well as the corresponding therapy sessions with the cognitive behavior therapist, a patient being treated from depression needs all the support and depression help that he or she can get. While being treated for depression, the patient as well as his or her family and other loved ones are advised to make realistic goals concerning depression wherein, to not assume that their depression can be easily treated in a snap. Depression help begins with trying to understand the patient’s situation and continue on being patient as well as always extending your help because depression help is never easy nor is the depression treatment itself, which is why both patients and loved ones need to help each other out through every step of the way. Never set goals that are high above your reach, give yourself some depression help by not being too hard on yourself, believe that you are good and strong enough to achieve your goals but only one step at a time.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Natural psoralen therapy in vitiligo

Vitiligo, a condition in which the skin turns white due to the loss of melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its characteristic color. (Melanocytes also impart color to the retina of the eye and the mucous membrane tissues lining the inside of the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas). In vitiligo, the Melanocytes some are self-destroyed in different parts of body, the result is white patches on these parts. The hair that grows in areas affected by vitiligo may also turn white. It is a well known fact that there is no treatment that will completely eradicate the disease from body. When one says treating vitiligo, it is meant “bringing skin color back” weather root cause is addressed or not. One oldest known way is use of Psoralen. Psoralen is capable of high UV (Ultraviolet) absorbance. It is the UV part of sun light that does the tanning magic. Psoralens are being produced in laboratories since 1970, but before that only source of Psoralens was nature. Psoralen is the parent compound in a family of natural products known as furocoumarins. Psoralen is found in the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia, common Fig, celery, parsley and West Indian satinwood. Oral Psoralen therapy: An oral intake of Psoralea corylifolia (in powder form) along with sun exposure can help in gaining the pigment back, with the disadvantage of (a) Large no. of people will not tolerate it. Some patients experience nausea and itching after ingesting the psoralen compound. (2) It will tend to tan the whole body. And if vitiligo effected areas are not responding, the contrast ratio of these parts with normal skin will increase making the situation worse. The therapy should hence be started with only a small intakes, and with very little sun, on limited body parts only. Topical psoalen theapy: In topical psoralen therapy, psoralen is applied to vitiligo affected areas, then UVA/ SUN light is applied to gain the pigmentation. Oil extracted from Psoralean corylifolia is perhaps the oldest natural topical therapy used for this purpose. The natural psoralen in this magic herb acts and absorbs the UV portion of sunlight resulting in re-pigmentation of the skin. The disadvantage again being the non tolerance of many patients. A low dosage should be tried for this purpose. Anti-Vitiligo, a well known topical Anti-Vitiligo contains Psoralean Corylifolia in 8% weight to weight ratio with other natural herbs. Remember that sun/ UVA is must for any therapy using psoralen. No UVA - No pigmentation. Since artificial UVA sources some times are 5 times stronger than the normal sun, so UVA/ Sun burns can happen very fast. It is highly recommended that atrtificial UVA should only be used under medical supervision.

Train your pit bull terrier whistle dog training

Pit Bulls are an intelligent breed that can be taught nearly anything, as long as they have a good trainer. Having a good trainer doesn’t necessarily mean a trainer that you hired. Many Pit Bull owners are finding that their pets not only are eager to learn, but they also gain much when they opt to train their Pit Bull themselves. Owners who opt to be their dog’s trainer will find that they enjoy spending the extra time with their beloved pet. Many methods of training exist, and just which type you wish to pursue is totally up to you. Depending on what you wish to accomplish as well as how much time you can devote to the task is just a couple of things you’ll need to factor in when picking a type of training for your pet. Over the years, one of the training methods which has began to rise in popularity is whistle training. This type of training uses a whistle to give the dog commands rather than using the spoken word. Each task is allotted a certain amount of blows, or pips, on the whistle. If you’d like to attempt whistle training for your Pit Bull, then the first thing to do is to pick out a good quality whistle with which to give out the commands. Using your own mouth to do the whistling isn’t a good idea. Your pitch would vary, and if you needed to give your Pit Bull a command from a distance, he may not hear you. For these reasons, it’s best to go with a good quality metal whistle. One whistle command you can teach your dog is to come when called. A good way to do this is to use his feeding time as the starting ground. At mealtime, as you put his food down give two short bursts on the whistle. Continue to do this at every mealtime for about three weeks. Always remember to use the exact number of bursts on the whistle. Once you have made it for about three weeks with the mealtime whistling, try blowing the same command when your Pit Bull is not expecting a meal. Be sure to have a nice treat for him at the ready, for when he does come you’ll want to reward him with a nice snack and a reassuring rub. This type of training is useful if take your dog to the park or anywhere in the outdoors. By whistle training your Pit Bull, you’ll know that wherever he is, he can hear you and come at your beck and call.

Upcoming trip to sothebys

Upcoming Trip to Sotheby’s I am planning a trip to an auction at Sotheby’s in June. I have a real interest in 20th century British art and they have an art auction scheduled. I have spent a great deal of time planning this trip. While I was browsing the Sotheby’s online catalog, I found a signed Sickert named South FaĞ·ade of St. Jacques. I saw this painting once in London in 1971. It has been in Canada since its purchase around that same time. The painting is thought to be painted around 1900 after the artist had been in the town of Dieppe for two years. He found a great deal of beauty in this medieval place. He loved the architecture and it was the subject of a lot of his work. Sotheby’s has several pieces of his work up for auction at this event. I also noted in the catalog that Sotheby’s will be auctioning off a watercolor of a cat by the artist Gwen John. She painted a lot of cats and also portraits of seated women. She was known to paint the same picture over and over again like Monet did. There was another lot listed in the Sotheby’s catalog that interested me. I really am partial to Sickert and there was a painting that he completed in Venice while he was there with his wife. There are stories of marital troubles between them and the trip to Venice is thought to have been taken to repair their marriage. I can’t wait to see the painting Thunder in the Mountains by James Dickson Innes. His watercolors are really splendid. The painting is thought to have been painted in 1910 in the mountains of North Wales. Sotheby’s has such an extensive catalogue for this auction. I’m anxiously awaiting my trip to London. I love Sotheby’s art auctions and going out to expensive restaurants at night. I plan to go to the Mango Tree while I’m there. It is the best Thai food, hands down, that I’ve ever eaten. My business partner was really taken with the Landscape Near Lyons painted by Sir Matthew Smith. I liked this oil painting as well. The Sotheby’s catalogue reported that the painting was done in 1922 and that there is a still life of flowers on the reverse. My partner will be unable to make this trip and has asked me to bid on it for him. I have a small private collection of pencil drawings. I liked the Flower in a Glass Vase that was penned by Christopher Wood in 1925. I think that it would display nicely with other still lifes that I have. I think that this pencil art may well go for twelve thousand dollars. My favorite pencil drawings have all been found at Sotheby’s auctions I have a patron that is very interested in a lot at the Sotheby’s auction that contains Poppies by Ivon Hithchens. She has authorized me to bid up to sixty five thousand dollars for her. I hope that I am successful in acquiring it for her. I know that this Sotheby’s auction will be well attended because they all are. It is too much to hope for that no one will notice this fantastic painting. After looking forward to this trip for so long and poring over the Sotheby’s catalogue so intently, I must say that I have my heart set on Broomswade by John Piper. I absolutely must have this watercolor. The person that is selling it has been the only owner. He bought it directly from John Piper in 1966. If I win nothing else, I will win this painting. The only other painting that I plan to bid on at the Sotheby’s auction is one by William Turnbull. There is a collector that I know that desperately wants this painting. He owns several of this artist sculptures and has now started to collect his paintings. 652

Diesel vs. unleaded the truth about fuel economy

Ahh, you remember it, don't you? Sitting in the back of your family's station wagon as a kid, your father pulls up to the gas pump and a station attendant—an occupation about as extinct as the dinosaurs—came running out with a rag in his hand, leaned into the driver's window and said… "Diesel or unleaded?" Those days are long gone. And I'm not just referring to the attendant. Nowadays, at least in the U. S., you can expect to find three things at a gas pump: self-serve, pay first, and unleaded gasoline only. Misconceptions about diesel fuel being "dirtier" than unleaded gas several years ago ultimately led to diesel's obsolescence in the more environmentally progressive United States. Car companies began to manufacture cars that, for the most part, ran on traditional gasoline. In response, however, steps were taken to improve the cleanliness of diesel and now major car companies have begun to sell diesel-powered vehicles to consumers once again. In the past, especially in the United States, diesel fuel was considerably dirtier than unleaded gasoline. Vehicles in the United States also tended to be built for traditional gasoline, with the exception of large trucks, buses, and semis. In recent years, however, steps have been taken to improve the cleanliness of diesel fuel through regulation, and many companies have begun selling popular consumer cars that run on diesel fuel. One such company is Isuzu Motors, known for its popular 5-passenger Ascender SUV, and two models of high-performing pick up trucks (the i-290 and i-370). Isuzu's diesel engines have won a laundry list of awards in past years including "Truck of the Year" by Motor Trend Magazine, "Executive Diesel Car of the Year 2002" by Diesel Car Magazine (a publication in the U. K.), "Germany's best small and compact car of the Year 2001" by Mot Magazine (published in Germany), as well as having been named multiple times by Ward's Communications of the U. S. as one of the "10 Best Engines." In addition, Isuzu vehicles were voted the top medium-duty truck brand six times in seven years by truck dealers. Impressive, but not fully convinced that diesel's better? Keep reading… Diesel fuel actually burns more efficiently than gasoline, thus having a better fuel economy—about 30% more efficient on average. Why? Diesel is denser than its unleaded competitor. Proponents of gasoline are quick to point out that diesel engines produce more greenhouse emissions, which is true, emissions with diesel are about 15% higher than those of traditional unleaded gas due to higher volumetric energy density. However, the increased fuel efficiency more than offsets the higher percentage, so in the long run, diesels produce less emissions — 15% more per gallon used, but a trip in the good ole family car will use 30% less fuel to get to wherever you're going. Granted, this wasn't the case with Dad's old wagon. Back then, before the anti-diesel crusade, diesel engines were creating more emissions because they simply weren't efficient. Now, with the modern diesel engine achieving a 20- 40% better fuel economy, it's time to give diesel a second look. But that's not the only exciting news about diesel. Originally, the diesel engine was created as a way to run vehicles using vegetable oils. While farmers originally couldn't compete with big oil companies, with gas prices soaring, there's been a renewed interest in alternative fuel sources—and food-based diesel fuels can be produced quickly, cheaply, and with the abundance of products grown in our very own country. These "hybrid diesels" also known as "biodiesel" are compatible with existing diesel engines and can also be made from waste oils gathered from restaurants or homes—an alternative that serves several ecological benefits at the same time.

Exercise and weight loss tip 1 why behind the neck exercises are bad for you

: Please don't be like me! Several years ago I was warned to stay away from behind-the-neck exercises and movements, and do you think I listened? Of course not. And as a result, I acquired a rotator cuff injury that slowly gets worse and worse over time. It is often said that it is much smarter to learn from the mistakes of others than to have to suffer the consequences yourself. I'd say that I agree with that. Just in case you are not quite sure what a "rotator cuff" is, its a handy little muscle on the back of your shoulder that literally helps your arm to "rotate" around the shoulder socket. For most people, this muscle is not supposed to rotate far enough to take the arms too far behind the head. Behind the neck exercises not only pull this muscle to the edge of its natural range, but often have additional weight resistance involved that cause even more stress to the area. If this is done repetitively over time, the muscle will often get injured. Another thing that may happen is that it will become inflammed and swell to the point where the bone around it pinches the muscle. Both conditions are chronic, painful, and should be avoided at all costs. So, if there are any behind-the-neck movements in your current workout, you will want to find more shoulder-friendly alternatives. And if such an exercise is ever recommended to you by a friend or exercise program, ask or look for a better alternative immediately. You only get one body! Take care of it. To YourBestBody, Lawrence Cole Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach Read this Exercise and Weight Loss Article at YourBestBodyNOW.

Treating and preventing hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or piles as they are commonly known, are the inflamed and swollen veins around the anus or the lower part of the rectum. Hemorrhoids may result from inordinate straining to pass out stool. Pregnancy, constipation or diarrhea, anal intercourse, and aging also may lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be external or internal. It is easy to confuse other anorectal problems like fissures, fistula, or abscesses with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening and the symptoms usually go away after a few days. Symptoms: Though many people have hemorrhoids, only a few experience the symptoms. Internal hemorrhoids These can neither be seen nor felt. But when a person strains to pass stool, the delicate surface of the hemorrhoid may get injured and this may cause it to bleed. Internal anal membranes do not have pain-sensitive nerve fibers, so the hemorrhoids do not cause discomfort. If an internal hemorrhoid is pushed through the anal opening due to straining, it can lead to pain and irritation. External hemorrhoids These are the painful hemorrhoids. If blood pools in the external hemorrhoid, it is called a thrombus. This forms a clot and causes severe pain, inflammation and swelling. If this hemorrhoid is disturbed, it can cause bleeding and itching. Hemorrhoids are an embarrassing problem for many, but it is also very common among both men and women. More than half the population suffers from this problem by the time they reach 50. Hemorrhoids are common among pregnant women. Causes: Increased pressure in the veins of the lower rectum is what leads to hemorrhoids. Pressure is often applied due to: -Constipation and the accompanying strain to release stool -Continuous expulsion of loose stools through diarrhea -Heavy lifting -Standing or sitting for a long time -Pregnancy and childbirth -Heredity Diagnosis: Rectal bleeding is the most common indication of internal hemorrhoids. But, rectal bleeding may also be a symptom of digestive diseases. The doctor will examine the area for swollen blood vessels, which indicate hemorrhoids. If rectal bleeding is accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness or fainting, a doctor should be consulted immediately. External hemorrhoids may be detected just by looking. To ascertain the presence of an internal hemorrhoid, the doctor may need to do a colonoscope, anoscope or sigmoidoscoope. Treatment: The first phase of the treatment aims at relieving symptoms. Taking a warm tub bath several times a day in mild, warm water for about 10 minutes is effective. Some hemorrhoidal cream applied to the affected area also helps. Persistent bleeding and painful hemorrhoids may need more intricate treatmentmon procedures include Banding, Sclerotherapy, applying Infrared light, and lastly, surgery. Prevention: -Eat food rich in fiber. This will soften the stool and make it bulky, thus facilitating easy passage. -Drink lots of water: This also eases and quickens bowel movements. -Fiber supplements: Fiber supplements can help. Supplements should be taken with plenty of water. Otherwise, constipation results. -Exercising regularly can help increase the blood circulation and also helps to lose weight. -Avoid standing or sitting for long periods as this increases pressure on the veins. -Use the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge, otherwise stools become hard and difficult to pass. Self-care is the best care if your hemorrhoids are in the early stages. You can alleviate pain and discomfort by: -Using topical treatments like creams -Keeping the anal area completely neat -Soaking regularly in warm water helps relieve pain. -Applying ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling and relieve pain. -Gently pushing a prolapsed hemorrhoid back into the anal canal. -Using wet toilet paper to prevent friction.

Live in your living room

Is your living room a place for show, only used when you’re entertaining? Living rooms, as their name suggests, should not only reflect who you are to the outside world, but they should also be lived in. Here are some suggestions for making your living room warm and inviting for guests as well as functional and comfortable for family members. If your living room is large, divide it into smaller areas through the positioning of furniture. You want the "conversation pit" to be cozy — a couch and loveseat and a couple of chairs around a large cocktail table will seat many people, yet they’ll all be able to hear what the others are saying. A great place for family meetings as well as for entertaining. Make sure all seats are within reach of a table — someplace to set down those drinks and chips! Face the couch to an architectural focal point, such as a fireplace or a large window that looks out to your garden or the city lights. If you don’t have an architectural element to work with, create one by hanging large pictures or a mural on a wall. This allows people to admire the art and it’s safer than hanging anything heavy right above the seating (especially in areas prone to earthquakes!). Hang cloth wall hangings or small pictures on the wall behind the couch. Don’t, however, hang a mirror where people will see their reflection all the time. Not everyone is thrilled by his or her image. If you divide your living room in two or three seating and/or dining areas, use rugs to define the conversation grouping, another under the dining table, and another to set off a place to exhibit the Buddha you brought back from Thailand or a wall of bookcases that not only hold your books but also display your collection of antique toys or Bennington pottery. Area rugs work well over waxed hardwood floors or neutral, wall-to-wall Berber-style carpeting. A decorative room divider, such as Japanese shoji screens, can be used to separate a large room into a living room and a TV room. In a smaller place, face the couch to a wall unit that holds the television — it’s sure to become a favorite gathering spot for the family. The days of covering the "good" living room furniture with plastic are over! Leather or the new microfiber fabrics are easy to clean, look great, and can survive guests, kids, and pets. If the furniture is in neutral colors, add colorful decorative pillows. Remember to keep a few throw blankets around to stay cozy on cool nights. If your living room walls are painted in light neutral shades, you’ll be able to change the furniture and decorative touches easily. Other ways to change the look of your living room are by adding tall plants or a silk tree, a permanent flower arrangement in a basket or tall vase, or even a fountain and small pond in a large enough space. Don’t forget about lighting! Floor lamps, especially in dark corners, can brighten large areas, while table lamps can provide good light for your favorite reading/knitting chair. An arrangement of candles on the mantelpiece or a table adds ambiance to your living room. Now go ahead, live in your living room!

Playing cards and the bible

Richard Middleton a United States soldier was attending worship services and instead of taking out a Bible, he spread out a complete deck of cards in front of him. When an officer told him to put them away he refused the directive. He was brought before the major because the refusal was considered indecent behavior. When Middleton was asked for an explanation he was told if he could present an acceptable explanation there would be no penalty. He explained to the major and the court that he had just been on an eight day march. He had little money with which to spend on necessities. A man can barely pay for food, drink, washing, or other necessities or buy a Bible or any prayer book. Middleton took out his cards and proceeded to explain his using the cards during service. “The Ace reminds me that there is one God. The two and three remind me of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The four represents the four evangelists - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The five remind me of the five wise virgins who were ordered to trim their lamps. There were ten but five were wise and did as they were told and five were foolish.” “The six represented the time God took in creating the Earth and Heaven. The seven tells me that even the Lord took time for rest. The eight reminds me of the eight righteous people spared from the flood - Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives. The nine reminds me of the ten lepers that sought healing. Only one returned to thank Jesus. Nine did not but went about telling everyone about what happened. The ten reminds of the Ten Commandments given to Moses.” “The Queen reminds me of the Queen of Sheba who went to Solomon to seek out his wisdom. The King reminds me of the Great King of heaven and earth. The knave (jack) is the person who brought Middleton before the court.” “ The number of dots on a deck of cards is 365 the number of days in a year. The 52 cards represent the number of weeks in year. Tricks that can be won in a deck is 13 representing the months of the year. Finally, this deck of cards is my Bible, my Almanac, and Prayer Book.” The major ordered his men to entertain Middleton. They were to provide him with money and food. The major declared him a clever fellow.

How to shut the water off fast on fixtures

When the Toilet or the sink starts to over flow and you need to shut the water fast and for one reason or another the faucet level or the toilet flapper isn't working you will need to have another way to stop the water. The good news is that there is another way to shut off the water using something called the angle stops that are on the bottom of the sink or if you have a cabinet they will be inside the cabinet. The angle stops are usually gold, chrome or rough brass in color and what you will need to do is to shit off the angle stops by turning the valves as fast as you can to thr right ( clockwise) to get the water to stop instantly. Once and a while there will be a valve that will be "frozen" or stuck and will not be able to be shut off and this is when you will have to find the water main to the house and shut off all the water to the entire house and then have to call the plumber to replace the valve as well as fix the original plumbing problem you had from the start.

Hypochondria fearing something that does not exist

A phobia is a clinical term that is used to describe an irrational and persistent fear of certain objects, situations, activities, or persons. These fears are beyond one's control and may interfere with one's daily activities. There are many forms of phobias, and they can be a fear of something specific such as the fear of flying, or fear of social interaction. Other examples of this disorder may involve fear of small animals, closed spaces, and snakes. Medical experts estimate that at least five percent of the entire U. S. population has one or more clinically diagnosed fear disorder. A phobia usually begins at home and persists into adulthood. Some of these conditions if not treated may debilitate a person. Hypochondria or hypocondriasis is a kind of phobia that refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having serious ailments. Often, this kind of condition persists even after a health professional has already evaluated and established that there is really no problem with the hypochondriac's health. Hypochondria is often characterized by a person's fears that minor bodily symptoms could be signs of a severe health problem. The person afflicted with hypochondria would often undertake self-examination and self-diagnosis, which are signs of over-preoccupation with one's health and body. To hypochondriacs, every lump is cancer, every cough is lung disease, every change in one's routine may mean that one's health is on the decline. Many hypochondriacs worry about having the most severe ailments without any of the risk factors. There are no specific causes of hypochondria, it occurs in men and women with equal frequency. Other symptoms of hypochondria may include: • Misinterpretation of symptoms; • Symptoms that may shift and change; • Symptoms that may be vague or specific; • No physical disorder that can account for symptoms; and • Psychological or emotional disturbance that may last for six months or more. Depression also contributes to the development of hypochondria due to the disruption of brain chemicals called serotonin. There is a possibility that the physical symptoms that are felt by hypochondriacs are triggered by neurochemical changes or changes in the serotonin levels. Too little serotonin may cause depression and fatigue. Reduction in the serotonin levels is caused by lack of sleep, sunlight, exercise, and poor nutrition. Adjustments in one's lifestyle improve neurochemical levels and improve one's health. While it is a good thing to be aware of any changes in one's body, being too conscious may hamper one's quality of life. The stress and anxiety of always worrying about sickness may one's life miserable. People with hypochondria fail to appreciate their overall health because they never believe that they are healthy. A supportive relationship with a health professional, family members, and friends is essential in treating persons with hypochondria. There should only be one health professional that is in charge of the patient. This professional should inform the patient that there is no disease that is present and persistent medical follow-up may help control any symptoms. Hypochondriacs feel real distress, that is why it is important not to deny or challenge any symptoms. There is help available for those who suffer from hypochondria. Remedies like cognitive therapy or anti-depression medication, people with hypochondria may not have to live in fear of illness, With help, they may once again enjoy good health and quality of life that they are afraid to lose.

Why are some scientists doubtful about subliminal influence

Does subliminal perception really occur? Can anyone be able to observe something involuntarily without being conscious about it? These questions were raised to challenge the scientific validity of such claims. Experiments were conducted to prove that subliminal perception was indeed a fact. Messages were flashed briefly and fast to the test subjects by the researchers. The subjects did not report seeing any of these. The subjects were asked whether they 'saw' the material that they did not 'see'. The subjects appeared to 'see' what they actually did not 'see'. But then this could neither be confirmed, nor could it be verified whether the subjects were either mistaken or even lying about seeing the flashed messages. For example of subliminals, running on your computer screen (designed for self-help) you can search on Google and download program named Subliminal Flash (by Ded Pyhto, Inc). The experiments came to be considered comical due to the difficulties encountered in both methodology and semantics. But the few devoted researchers continued their search. 'Subliminal perception' after all these was concluded to be an oxymoron by the scientists who were researching perception. Charles Eriksen, a leading important critic, pointed to a number of flaws in the concept. However, though upsetting, the critique was inconclusive. He concluded that subliminal perception, rather than a question to be proved empirically, was actually illogical. He also did not take into consideration the distinction between the conscious awareness and verbal reporting of the stimulus itself. According to him, if the subject was able to discriminate the stimulus in a test and therefore become aware of it, then the experiment was treated as failed. That the subject did not see the stimulus was considered by him as not pertinent. However, this critical factor becomes important subsequently to the understanding of illusions, perceptual bias and subliminal perception. On the other hand, these disapprovals by Eriksen and others led to methodological improvements later and finally to the very recognition of the experience. Though these experiments were unsuccessful in some ways in terms of behavioral and introspective measures. The experiments were not lacking in results but were failures due to the weakness in their integration with available conceptual models and interpretations that lacked clarity. The earlier Vicary's "eat popcorn" projector studies had exaggerated claims. These claims were acknowledged by many in the beginning of subliminal research despite the fact that Vicary himself considered it to be a weak technique. In the 1960s the debate over subliminal perception was considered dead by the discerning students of psychology. Rather than alarming claims, these were closed as a debunked hoax. However, this was not to be. N. F. Dixon brought out an inclusive review of the research till then after a decade of Eriksen's upsetting assessment. Dixon, though relying on the same data that Erikesen depended upon, gave a different conclusion. He pointed out that though the information processed were devoid of awareness; the responses were in reaction to external stimuli which were not acknowledged. Dixons' review gave impetus to Wilson Bryan Key who had laid claims to subliminal perception that led to a wave of fear particularly by Vance Packard, a social reviewer, who cautioned the creation of advertisements by advertisers using psychoanalysts. Key worked further following upon this social critic. This fear exists to the present day. In subsequent years, the research on subliminal perception took a turn with the acceptance of the fact of unconscious information processing of the human mind besides the conscious information processing. The unconscious information processing differs from the conscious in some respects at the level of cognition (thoughts) and affects (feelings). We see a figure against the backdrop of a scene that we are watching. At any point of time we observe only one interpretation. This has been established with the use of different perceptual illusions, for instance, reversible figures. The scene is then brought to the level of consciousness. The stimuli are grouped by the mind into outlines in line with how we interpret the scene as established in psychology. Experiments in subliminal perceptions initially indicated that we see patterns and figures in the ground though we may not have observed these patterns. The processing of conscious and unconscious thoughts is different. This is because the level of patterning of figure-ground organization that is required in conscious processing of features in perception is not required in the unconscious or preconscious processing. The unconscious or preconscious processing is carried out by connecting resemblances of features instead of interpreting the meaning that we might observe in the background image that we attribute it with. Psychoanalysts interpret this as the 'primary process' of the 'unconscious mind'. Unnoticed words or images then go through limited semantic and lexical analysis activating temporary motivational states or influencing preference in unclear decisions which then become visible as associated images in free association or dreams. This reasoning is behind the claim that advertisers are likely to implant pictures in ad for influencing the viewers. The important issue is to what extent this is possible and with what impact. The New Look movement emerged in the 1970s based on the efforts of Jerome Bruner amongst others during the 1940s and 1950s in the studies related to the effect of values and needs on perception. This movement provided the basis for a revival of interest on the topic. Marcel's string of experiments on subliminal perception in cognitive science was perhaps the most significant. Marcel used demonstrated semantic priming with the use of pattern masking. The methodology deployed in these studies was subsequently improved with the criticism of Marcel's studies. This later led to the critics' acknowledgement of subliminal perception as a distinct reality. However skepticism abounds with the allegation that advertisers sold subliminal audiotapes which could not be substantiated. There have also been the ridiculous allegations that there is a global plot to conceal the positive research data on these. But the possible influence of unheard or unseen messages can also not be out rightly discounted. Though this may sound cynical, yet this is not sufficient reason not to continue building upon the present studies.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hidden spy cameras all seeing eyes

With the advent of reality shows, more and more people are becoming aware of the possibility of using hidden cameras to spy on other people for different reasons. Seeing people in their most unguarded moments can be fascinating. Camera manufacturers have taken advantage of the fact that people want to have hidden spy cameras similar to that of James Bond or the popular prank shows of television. This has since contributed to the steady rise of the hidden spy cameras industry. While most hidden spy cameras are used to capture harmless pranks on video, there are other uses that are not as wholesome. Voyeurs spying on their neighbors and secretly filming other people having sexual intercourse shamelessly utilize hidden spy cameras. Hidden spy cameras, however, are not just for people with nefarious plans. Hidden spy cameras are also great tools to keep watch over your home and loved ones, thereby ensuring peace of mind. They can be used to make sure that your children are treated well by their nannies and babysitters. Similarly, they can also be used to catch criminals or philandering spouses. Hidden spy cameras are so effective and handy, in fact, that they are even used by law enforcement agencies, such as the police and the FBI. Strings or No Strings Attached Hidden spy cameras can either be wireless or wired. Wireless hidden spy cameras have concealed transmitters that send captured images to a remote recording equipment. Wired hidden spy cameras, on the other hand, are connected to recording equipment, like VCRs and PCs, through a physical cable. Wireless cameras rely on battery power, while the wired sort has the advantage of a ready power supply. Its Hidden for a Reason As the name suggests, hidden spy cameras are always concealed. They are usually hidden in everyday, nondescript objects, such as clocks, calculators, radios, teddy bears, and even plants. Recent breakthroughs in wireless technology now allow hidden spy cameras to transmit videos real-time. So, not only can you see the action as it unfolds, you can take the necessary action as well. All you would need is a PC or laptop with an Internet access to view your hidden spy cameras. You can even do online surveillance, if you wish. You can also set up your hidden spy cameras in such a way that they trigger alarms or send emails to you when suspicious activities are captured. If you don't have this technology, however, don't fret. Most hidden spy cameras can be set up to work unattended. They can record hours of video and can be plugged into your VCR or PC directly for review. This way, you don't miss anything and can gather solid proof of misbehavior. Hidden Or Not, You Still Want the Best There are a few things to consider when investing on hidden spy cameras. You have to take into consideration the range of the video you wish to capture. Wide-angle viewing is also a nifty feature to consider. It allows you to view the captured video from several vantage points. For image quality, you need to consider your hidden spy cameras' resolution. Invest on hidden spy cameras that can automatically adjust to varying lighting conditions so you can get the clearest images possible. This way, you don't miss what happens in your home or office when you're out.

Fast loading website how to

Are you interested in getting your website to load in the browser quickly? In case you have a personal website for hobby sake, it may be no big deal but if you are responsible for a corporate website attracting customers, this can be tremendously important. If the homepage takes forever to load into the browser, you may be losing out on crucial business. The only solution is to design the page again so that visitors or customers who open it stay there. We need to understand that not every internet connection works on Cable, T1 or ISDN. A major number of surfers in the world still use modems today (normally 56.6Kbps). Therefore it is imperative that the site design should take into consideration that it should load quickly on a low speed internet connection. Design parameters that have to be kept in mind are very simple: Loading time depends upon the size (disk size) of the page. More space is occupied when you integrate images and multimedia content. The bigger the size, the larger the bandwidth required assuming that the loading time is constant. Multimedia files containing sound (.wav) occupy a lot of space (for example, a sound clip of 30 seconds occupies about 140KB). Video content is more taxing (at least 1MB). This content should be weeded out of the home page unless you feel that it can make or break your website. If you feel that you should keep these, make sure the page sizes are around 30-40K. Or you could put them on another page linked form your homepage. Images can also get very large in size, especially if they are of high resolution. Keep the image size as small as possible. A page with a 600X600 image would take a long time to load. Image size depends upon the size. They can also be compressed using certain utilities available free on the internet. Try and use images that you have used on your homepage, on the other pages also instead of changing them. When the images are opened for the first time, they are stored in the browsers cache, and subsequently loaded from there. This will fasten the loading process immensely. Another way to load images quickly is by defining the image dimensions in the image tags. By this, the browser understands the amount of space required for the image and it does not need to readjust text and other content after loading the image. This will also prevent page jumping during the image loading process. The home page should be short and descriptive. The longer the page more is the time taken to load. All extra information can be moved to subsequent pages and linked to the homepage. This will also help organizing the website better.